
          	"Sunny Moore Times Four" my newest teen pregnancy book, releasing on 6/19/24!
          	Sunshine "Sunny" Moore is a one-of-a-kind girl, experiencing a one-of-a-kind situation. How will she handle her senior year of high school when she's expecting not one, not two, and not even three, but four babies?


          "Sunny Moore Times Four" my newest teen pregnancy book, releasing on 6/19/24!
          Sunshine "Sunny" Moore is a one-of-a-kind girl, experiencing a one-of-a-kind situation. How will she handle her senior year of high school when she's expecting not one, not two, and not even three, but four babies?


Ok, I liked most of surprisingly perfect. But seriously, he goes to party gets on drugs there ends up in jail. And what was he doing in Vegas if his parents  always had him on lock down. Also, their identical twins so everything jace felt chase would feel. Also, his brother didn't notice  anything.I liked most of it when I started reading it, chapters, and storyline missing. The gaps at the end of the book. Yeah goid story but hated the way you portrait jace . It was ridiculous. And a 15 year old getting pregnant as well, come on . Yes, I know it happens.sorry, you're a good writer, but this book is too far-fetched. And here's a thought instead of filling in gaps at end just right the whole story. Only character I liked was chrys .


Announcing my next teen pregnancy book: "Ice, Ice, Babies!" coming 4/5/24!


Oooooo!! I’m so excited!!!


Can’t wait love all your teen pregnancy stories just trying to figure out if I ever read them in order even though they are not sequels 


Hey fans and followers! I've decided to place a hold on Face the Music. I'm having some seriously bad writer's block and haven't really been inspired lately. I've had some major life changes, plus someone very close to me is being deployed, so that also is a pretty big downer. Keeping the positive vibes and hoping to get back on track soon! Hope everyone else is doing well!