
Hey, guys.
          	I hope you're all doing great. I've just uploaded another chapter of The Best Woman - go check it out and let me know what you think. I'm loving that we're getting close to some DRAMA in this book! 
          	Have the best day. Xx


@natashapreston QUEEN WE NEED TO TALK awake literally killed me with adrenaline like my heart couldn't take a break I'm so grateful for your books there great 10/10!!


@natashapreston hey there! I have written a book later this year and its called the secrets of the alpha and I  have tried to get my story out there on wattpad to be freatured but I just get ignored, can you add my story to your list of book recommendations? thank you for your time and have a good day/night! 


Hello I'm sorry for plugging in, this is my new story, i hope you guys read this, it's still on going. 
          Her name is Maddison Kate Lewes, who's living in her normal life and enjoying her life, while she's walking to football court, someone caught her attention, Jeremiah Rex Jones. 
          Maddison followed him wherever he go, and unexpectedly, Jeremiah caught her following him. By the time goes by they got to know each other and have a lot in things in common. Maddison doesn't know that Jeremiah is a living dead (vampire). 
          They fell inlove with each other, but Maddison doesn't still know that Jeremiah is a vampire. 
          Not until Jeremiah's brother Tyler Acel Jones, tries to steal Maddison from Jeremiah. And Tyler expose them self to Maddison that they are not a normal human.


The Cellar is just simply awesome. The name sounded weird, and I was like what could be interesting about a cellar? Little did I know, I would dive into a world of wonder, thrill, tension, emotions, suspense, terror. It's a wonderful book from a wonderful writer, keep up the good work!


Hello !! I am a french teenage and i wanted to tell you of your Book « The Cellar » i d'indt know this book was Written very years ago ^^ i discoverd hum in my middle School i really liked the life of Summer, Colin and the others girls ✨✨✨


Hello guys~~❤
          Sorry for randomly just spamming, but it would mean the world to me if you can 
          check out my story “Under Jacarandá Stars” ❤️

          If you are looking for unimaginable journey of love, friendship and romance! You won't be disappointed 
          I am a new writer so please leave your review too so I can improve my writing more:) 
          Comment and vote!
          (I’m willing to do a v4v)
          Thank you ✨


Tasha ilysmmmm, my mom first bought me The Lake for Easter, and I fell in LOVE with your work!! I read The Twin, then The Cellar, and You Will Be Mine, and now I have all of your books! I can't help but say that you have helped me write my stories!! (Which you should check out) and I'm so proud to be a fellow Wattpad writer. -Em