
guys!! Just want to put it out there that I am 16 and human! I love your tips and suggestions and will always ask for them but please be nice with them. 
          	I get a lot of comments about our misfortune and I do understand the dislike for it because there are lots of spelling mistakes, it was my first book and I haven’t edited it yet. 
          	But please remember that I do have feelings! Please put off from writing unnecessary mean words about me!
          	I rarely get very mean comments but  I still do get them and it does hurt me, and while I have grown since the first time I have received them it still discourages me from writing for a few days. 
          	I am only writing this as I have noticed a few mean comments and it has made me put off coming back :/ 
          	** but I’m here to stay anyway ;)
          	All my love 
          	Pixwrites <33


@pixwrites111 Yay ok :D I'll happily read whatever you write lol the plot twists are to die for


@Two-Wolves after written in the stars I’m planning to go back into sports romance! I don’t think I would write another story about Lizzie and Luke but they would definitely be mentioned ;) <3


@pixwrites111 I'm begging for a second novel about Icebound Hearts


Hello, this is a story that my friend is writing, she is  a new writer, putting her all in, in her every work.
          I hope, if you have time, then please check out her work, and if you like her work or are interested in it, then please show her some support, it will mean alot to her.
          this story is a fantasy romance novel, a love story of a girl and a boy, you might like it, so I hope you could give it a try, and if there's any mistake then do let author know, she is always ready to learn.
          Thankyou and sorry if I disturbed you. 


guys!! Just want to put it out there that I am 16 and human! I love your tips and suggestions and will always ask for them but please be nice with them. 
          I get a lot of comments about our misfortune and I do understand the dislike for it because there are lots of spelling mistakes, it was my first book and I haven’t edited it yet. 
          But please remember that I do have feelings! Please put off from writing unnecessary mean words about me!
          I rarely get very mean comments but  I still do get them and it does hurt me, and while I have grown since the first time I have received them it still discourages me from writing for a few days. 
          I am only writing this as I have noticed a few mean comments and it has made me put off coming back :/ 
          ** but I’m here to stay anyway ;)
          All my love 
          Pixwrites <33


@pixwrites111 Yay ok :D I'll happily read whatever you write lol the plot twists are to die for


@Two-Wolves after written in the stars I’m planning to go back into sports romance! I don’t think I would write another story about Lizzie and Luke but they would definitely be mentioned ;) <3


@pixwrites111 I'm begging for a second novel about Icebound Hearts


I've just read Icebound Hearts, and that was literally amazing!! Im gonna read Our Misfortune now!! Sorry I haven't followed before today, I forgot ahah. 
          Thanks pixwrites111 for the amazing books ❤️❤️✨️


THANK YOUUU! I literally get so embarrassed when someone reads our misfortune because there are so many spelling mistakes in it and I just think I wrote it really badly :/ anyway thank you so much for reading the books <33


Holaa  ✨✨ Pixescribe, tengo una duda? como haces para crear tus historias y que tengan visitas.... amo tus historias.
          Si nos podrias pasar tips te agradecería


            Aaaaayy!! graciass a mi me fascinan tus historias, muchas felicidadessOjala y sigas creciendo mucho mas, ya cree una historia y esta disponible en mi cuenta por si la quieres leer. Ahora estoy creando una nueva historia si la puedes leer están disponibles!!!  mil gracias por tus tips. ✨


Hola! no hay problema, aquí hay algunos 1) asegúrese de estar interesado en la historia que está escribiendo 2) escriba capítulos semanalmente 3) Agregue etiquetas a su historia.  Empecé con muy pocas visitas pero lo más importante es ¡nunca rendirse! ¡Me encantaría leer tu historia!