
Officially 2 months away from the special day!! ( If you know me well enough, you know what I'm talking about )
          	Everything won't magically fall right into decent place since establishing dreams into reality takes time! Not to mention, I'm keeping some peace for the rest of 2024 with probably going to ( community ) college (...yay... ) and I can work on perfecting my vocals ( specifically controlling them ), firmly establishing a social media presence as well, which is great!! No more being a homeschooled girl!  I can go anywhere I want ( as long as I know how to get there lmao ), dressing the way i want, wholly being myself in general without hiding it- I cannot wait for the new chapter of my life that is to come soon :)
          	... and it all starts with the cruelest summer.


@safetaynet so happy for you! wishing you so much and success and love, Clara; you deserve it <33


@safetaynet your path will take you to magical places, some good and some small bumps but it's not about the destination but about the journey. Also, community college is not bad (if you feel embarrassed or anything like that) my cousins help save people's lives and they went to the community college down the street but I'm happy for you and can't wait to see the day you're on the Billboard 100 or win an award for your amazing music. Love you to the moon and Saturn <3


@safetaynet ahhhh that's amazing!! im so happy for you <33


Officially 2 months away from the special day!! ( If you know me well enough, you know what I'm talking about )
          Everything won't magically fall right into decent place since establishing dreams into reality takes time! Not to mention, I'm keeping some peace for the rest of 2024 with probably going to ( community ) college (...yay... ) and I can work on perfecting my vocals ( specifically controlling them ), firmly establishing a social media presence as well, which is great!! No more being a homeschooled girl!  I can go anywhere I want ( as long as I know how to get there lmao ), dressing the way i want, wholly being myself in general without hiding it- I cannot wait for the new chapter of my life that is to come soon :)
          ... and it all starts with the cruelest summer.


@safetaynet so happy for you! wishing you so much and success and love, Clara; you deserve it <33


@safetaynet your path will take you to magical places, some good and some small bumps but it's not about the destination but about the journey. Also, community college is not bad (if you feel embarrassed or anything like that) my cousins help save people's lives and they went to the community college down the street but I'm happy for you and can't wait to see the day you're on the Billboard 100 or win an award for your amazing music. Love you to the moon and Saturn <3


@safetaynet ahhhh that's amazing!! im so happy for you <33


Clara, guess what? I was never such a Ariana grande fan but last few days I've been obsessing over her songs


@safetaynet I'LL try honeymoon avenue.


@SaraRocks14 I LOVE ALL OF THOSE, THEY ARE AMAZING CHOICES!! OLT is prob my fav Ari song of all-time alongside Honeymoon Avenue! The other day I was thinking about how bloodline could've been such a summer hit if it would've been released as a single. Maybe it'll get the Cruel Summer treatment someday lol. INTO YOU IS POP PERFECTION!! I've been so addicted to the entire Eternal Sunshine album lately and no matter how many times I hear WCBF, I can never get enough of it


@safetaynet 1. Eternal sunshine 
            2. We can't be friends 
            3. Last time 
            4. Bloodline 
            5. Into you




@cxdevxmpiire that's really ironic! I won't be too on as much either cause of many reasons but I'm trying my best and will come back stronger than. 90's trend around August


@safetaynet I feel like I'm less active during summer which is ironic


Soooooooooooo little embarrassing here 
          I just realized I've followed a wrong Cain who happened to have the same name. I followed his real acct which is public. Oops....


@safetaynet Both accts don't have any, except the right acct with a profile


@cxdevxmpiire ohh, that makes sense! You didn't notice the pictures weren't him though?


@safetaynet I was going through someones following list