
Happy Pride Month! My story Conduit is featured as part of the 2024 Pride Reading Event! From June 10 to June 23, you’ll be entered to win Coins for every chapter you read from Conduit and any other stories in the Pride Picks Reading List:
          	Happy reading and good luck!


Hello , Vee 
          Just wanted to ask , how do u design ur book covers , They're so cool ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ


@lazy_author67 o hii!!! :D ^_^ well first, thank you for reading ~~~ ♡
            As for my covers, I made some of them, then the others were courtesy of Wattpad ^_^. But the ones I make are a combination of Canva and Picsart ~ 


@lazy_author67 Also , I'm a huge fan ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨


Happy Friday!
          @Wattpad just added Conduit Season 2 to the Valiant Heroes ✨️ Reading list! ♡ Thank you so much!


@Glory_feeling2 lol its ok! I kinda read it and said ah yes the eve of Friday XD


Sorry, Autocorrect called you Eve, Vee. LOL


@veelozada Happy Friday Eve! Going to see if I can finish Ch 1 of my short story too. Yesterday I played with making the cover for nearly an hour just to find something reasonable. It's about a summer vacation in Hawaii... Adventure among best friends before college. Similar to something I endured however I was not invited cuz acquaintance had the excuse to say your mom would automatically say no,  so I didn't bother. Drove me mad! Assumptions, assumptions! And she was supposed to be someone I trusted ... later she had more tricks up her sleeves. I write about her in my stories as the villain. Because I can! LOL As they say, be careful when you befriend a writer. She might just write about you! *smiles*


Hi Veepies! Happy Wednesday!
          How is everyone? June is here, meaning we are officially halfway through the year (whaaaaat?). A mixture of excitement and "WHERE HAS TIME GONE?!" is here for me. What about anyone else?
          I wanted to say a small update that this week's "Evolution of Survival" and "Gluttony" updates will be delayed into next week. Sorry in advance! I've been exhausted with work/adulting and need a moment to rest and catch up. 
          I do have other news. I've been working on edits for "A Cog In The Machine" to be self-published this year, BUT I am planning to republish ROGER. Those will both happen this year <3 so, if you like my Science Fiction books, maybe you'll grab a paperback :) When those days come closer, I will make a clearer announcement! 
          Until then, I will take some naps and drink coffee and self-care, and then resume updates next week <3


Happy Monday!
          ♡ My ONC Science Fiction / Alien invasion story, "Quest 50," has made it to the Shortlist & I officially have my sticker! I'm really so excited and thankful my story made it this far!
          Congrats again to everyone else who placed ♡ We finished our novellas and should be proud ^_^! 


@Glory_feeling2 cool! I use Canva, too ~ if you're ever on your phone, I'd suggest Picsart. I use it to put the stickers on my cover 


@veelozada  Hi Vee, just used the basic Canva for now.


@Glory_feeling2 thank you Pia!
            And thats awesome you got it :D! What app do you use?