Chapter 9: Hit Me With your best shot!..... Fire away-eh!

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Hey guys!  Here’s chapter 9!  It’s long so be prepared! :)

Chapter 9: “Hit me with your best shot!.....Fire away-eh!”

            RIVYN P.O.V

            “Can you pass the potatoes, please?” Mrs. Daniels asked, her red lips shaped into a smile.

            “Gladly,” I chirped sweetly, passing over the bowl.  The hot steam wafted towards my nose, and I flashed my teeth with a charming look towards Mrs. Daniels.

            Brian scowled at my innocence but I maintained the considerate expression, folding my hands neatly on my lap.

            “This looks lovely, Mrs. Daniels,” I said, throwing in another punch.  Brian frowned, his neck straining slightly.

            Mrs. Daniels blushed and scooped some food.  “Thank you, Rivyn.  You’re such a kind young girl.”

            Brian slipped out a snort, loud of enough for everyone to hear.  “You should see her at school.”

            I gave him a puzzled look.  “What are you talking about?”

            “Yes, Brian.  What are you talking about?  Miss DeLor is a good-natured women,” his mother complimented.  “And Brian, don’t snort at the table.  It’s rude and impolite.”

            I bit back a laugh and nodded my head.  “You mother’s right.  She’s twenty years of beautiful age with incredible cooking abilities,” I glanced at her, “and don’t get me started on intelligence.”

            Brian scowled quietly, giving me hidden death glares. 

            Mrs. Daniels flushed red and couldn’t help but giggle.  “You’re such a peach,” she said, lifting her glass wine. 

            Brian lit up.  “Peach?” he joked, nudging me.  “Guess I’m not the only one who finds you sweet.”

            Everyone stared at us, interested where this was going.  Hec, I don’t want to know where this was going.

            I gulped and smiled weakly at Brian.  “Uh, thanks.” 

            He noticed I was getting uncomfortable so he decided to hit homerun. 

            Reaching for the glass, Brian paused at me and gave me wink.  “You taste fine, like a juicy round peach.  Slimy, wet and delicious,” he winked.

            Mrs. Daniels opened her mouth, revealing a blotch of mashed potatoes.  The broccoli fell from Aunt Darby’s mouth, rolling onto the plate.  Noah eyed Brian enviously, digging the knife into its steak.  Everyone completely gawked at us with pure shock. 

            All except Chris who hit the table with his fist, and stared deeply at Brian.  “Man, you did her already?  I thought you were going to wait until next week?”

            Heat started to form on my cheeks.  I wasn’t sure if it was the anger or embarrassment that made my flush like a tomato.  I was ready to strangle Brian, right there and then, but decided to calm down.  I knew he was joking about the sex thing but man, it almost caught me there.   

            Still very awkward, I stood up, placing my lap napkin onto the table.  “Excuse me, where’s the restroom?”  Not waiting for an answer, I walked out of the dining room and out into the hallway. 

Playing The Bad Boy's Game (Completed July 2012) FIRST BOOK SO IT IS CRAP W A R N I N GUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum