Chapter 32: It can't get any worse than this

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: rachey4



"Excuse me, ma'm!"

I shifted and turned under my blanket, facing my back to the stranger. "Miss! Can you please move? My chicken-"

Chicken? Aw fuck, so the chicken wasn't a dream? Groaning, I threw off the blanket and tossed it over the chicken cage in annoyance. "No one cares about your chicken," I mumbled, grabbing my suitcase and purse.

"I'll have you know-"

"I don't want to know!" I snapped, and stalked off, pushing the passengers to the side.

Never wake me up. I get so wound up and cranky, it's not even funny. Unless you're Aunt Darby, you're going to get a full-on cuss to the face bitch. And yes, that would be me.

"Move it!" I hollered, shoving the little kid back into his seat. Flashing a look of his face, I realized it was the boy at the beginning of the ride who caught my hand in my pants. He wailed for his mom, but I quickly shot an, 'shut-up-or-I-kill-you-look' and he clamped his mouth in fear.

Picking up speed, I desperately wanted to get out, finding one person in the way. I shoved the blonde headed passenger to the side, tossing him into his seat. For a moment I thought it was Brian, his hair exactly like his. However, I remembered I thought I saw Brian on the plane at the beginning, but it turned out to be some freckled blonde dude.

Why was I even thinking about him anyways? God, I was forgetting the whole purpose of coming here wasn't I? The captain tipped his hat, and I saluted, fast-walking off the plane. Flying past security, I hailed for a taxi as a heat wave blew my hair back, the surprising weather taking me by shock.

It was already night, and the lanterns around the airport were beautifully lit, this place near the rushing tides of the beach. I checked the large clock through the building window. It was 3:40 in the morning, and I could help but already feel jet-lagged as I changed the time on my phone.

Time was ahead in Bangkok, Thailand, it being 4:40 in the afternoon back in Canada. My legs felt asleep from the cramping position on the plane. Did I forget to mention I hate planes?

'Too bad you have to take another one on the way back,' snickered my conscious.

So this was what it was like in Thailand. I took in a deep breath, and sighed, widening a grin. Fresh air, tropical seas, and crisp sand. Chicken-crap free. Just how I liked it.

A bright yellow taxi pulled out, and I opened the door, lugging with me. Giving the taxi driver a print out copy of the hotel from my purse, he nodded and drove off. Rubbing my head, I watched the famous city of Bangkok brisk by, it not nearly the same as the movies. Kids were still running around, and parents were drinking by their tiny houses, having a good time.

My eyes lazily got heavy, and I massaged my neck, trying to stay awake.

Perfect. Everything was going as planned. All I had to do was get a taxi, check in my hotel and sleep for-

Eight bloody hours! What? I double-checked the invitation, and felt like pulling at my hair. The wedding was at eleven in the morning?! I probably had to get their early so that's seven hours... It would take me about another hour to get dressed... actually, make that two.

Five. I had five hours to get some shut eye.

I groaned, and slapped my forehead. Slowly dragging my hand down, I watched as we pulled up the glass hotel, large palm trees dancing with the nice breeze. Promising bags under my eyes would likely show up tomorrow which would make me look like a zombie. Wonderful.

Playing The Bad Boy's Game (Completed July 2012) FIRST BOOK SO IT IS CRAP W A R N I N Gजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें