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THE GIRL'S BATHROOM CERTAINLY wasn't a place where Ella had thought she'd be pushed in by five delinquents before eleven o'clock, but here she was. Mia looked shocked as the girls shooed the people in the bathroom away, one of them leaning against the door once it was only them, to keep them from getting out. The other three surrounded them, the apparent ringleader pulling herself up on the sink, watching them amusedly. With her buzzcut and lips the color of venom it was easy to see not many people were going to mess with her and as her bubblegum popped, she smiled at them.

"Eleanor Martinez," she drawled, tilting her head to the right," isn't it?"

"You actually are pronouncing my name like I'm white," Ella said," it's Elea -"

"Shut up," one of the girls behind her hissed, moving to slap her.

Ella caught her hand before she could do so, the girl flinching at her tight grip as she tried to pull herself loose. Without sparing her another glance she looked back at the girl in front of her, eyebrows raised. She had come along willingly, but mostly just because Mia was with her and she couldn't risk her getting hurt. Besides, she wasn't one to avoid confrontation, especially when she would be stuck with these girls the rest of the year.

"It's fine, Tess," the girl in front said, gesturing lazily at Ella," let her go, Martinez."

"I thought we were having fun?" Ella said, Tess yelling out as she tightened her grip. She could see the girls tense, Mia's eyes widening, but before anyone could move she let Tess go, complying with an easy smile. "No need to get all riled up, I was just kidding."

"Bitch," Tess murmured under her breath, a hand on her wrist, which had now colored red.

Still, she didn't move to attack her again, so Ella supposed the buzzcut girl's authority was worth more than her anger. Pushing herself off the sink the girl neared, only stopping once she stood face to face with Ella.

"I've heard quite some things about you," she said," so I thought it only right to welcome you to St Joseph officially. We haven't had some new kids in a while now, after all." When she smirked it was more feral than anything else. "I'm Yelena."

"I'm honored," Ella replied," I haven't heard about you though, but I'm sure that doesn't surprise you."

"You may have gotten away with that smart mouth of yours in your old schools," Yelena laughed, no humor in it," but you'll find out quickly that here it'll just end with a broken bone of yours. Levi won't be around to protect you all the time, no matter how much you cling to him."

Ella frowned. "Don't tell me Isis send you."

"I honestly don't understand how he chose you over her," Yelena said, shaking her head slowly as she walked back to the sink," men, I guess I'll never understand them."

"Ask him," Ella said as she rolled her eyes," why are you and Isis so intent on making this a competition?"

Yelena turned around so quickly one of her friends almost jumped back in surprise, fury flaming in her eyes as she looked at Ella. "Don't take her name in your mouth."

When she blinked her anger was carefully concealed again, replaced with a smile.

"Anyway," she said, eyes flicking towards her friends," I think we should teach you a lesson. It is your first day after all."

Ella was already moving into fighting position as Yelena raised her hand when a gentle voice interrupted them, causing them all to stare at the source of it.

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now