Chapter 13🥀Dinner

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No song guys...



"If we were to have kids... how many would you prefer ?"

Chicago asks me and I choke on the water that I'm drinking. I look at her from the rearview mirror and she's smiling.


         *6 hours earlier*

I have been standing outside Chicago's door for almost ten minutes now. I don't know what to tell her.

It has been a week since she walked in on me in the piano room.

I was really angry that I pushed her so hard. I don't know if she got hurt because she locked herself in her room since then.

When I raise my hand to knock she opens the door in nothing but an oversized pink hoodie.

Her hair is in her signature messy bun and she has on her reading glasses.

I stare at her for much longer than necessary.

Wow !

She clears her throat , pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You need something ?" She asks.

"Uuumm... Jean called and said we're having dinner at my father's place."

She just stares at me.

"We'll be going... together... as a couple." I finish.


She then closes the door in my face.

I deserve that.

"We are leaving at six so make sure you're ready by then." I shout at the locked door.

"That's six hours from now. We still have time." She shouts back.


I order her a dress and shoes and have Ellen take them to her room.

Jean calls again to make sure we don't run late.


I check the time on my rolex watch for the hundredth time.

6:00 pm

I lean on the front of my white lamborghini and let out a sigh.

Edward is already seated at the driver's seat and I can see him tap the steering wheel impatiently.

Just when I'm about to go back inside and get Chicago, I see her come out.

She's wearing the navy blue, silk, spaghetti, strapless dress I had Ellen bring her.

It's the same shade of blue as the armani suit I have on.

Her hair is in a messy bun that i've become so fond of and her shoes are a pair of white sneakers.

Her hair is in a messy bun that i've become so fond of and her shoes are a pair of white sneakers

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Sneakers ?!

"Why are you in those ?" I ask her once she reaches where I'm standing.

She looks down at her shoes then back at me. "They're comfortable."

She then gets inside the car without waiting for my answer. I sit at the front with Edward while Chicago sits at the back.


I see Chicago bored through the rear view mirror. The drive is two hours exactly so she is definitely bound to get bored.

"Let's play a simple game." Chicago breaks the silence that had build in the car.

"It's a question game. You ask the first question that pops up in your head. Edward you'll ask me. I'll ask Wes and Wes will ask you. That's how the game goes."

That's a stupid game. I'm not playing.

I open the compartment under my seat which is a cooler and remove a bottle of water and drink it.

Edward actually agreed to play the game.

"Now it's my turn. Question for Wes." She says.

I ignore the both of them and sip my water calmly and slowly.

"If we were to have kids... how many would you prefer ?"

Chicago asks me and I choke on the water that I'm drinking. I look at her from the rearview mirror and she's smiling.

I know what she's trying to do. She's trying to make me uncomfortable...

... and fuck's working.

I don't answer the question and she doesn't insist.

We reach the mansion an hour later. Edward gets out of the car and comes to my side to open my door but before he reaches it I look at Chicago from the rear view mirror.


I whisper then Edward opens the door for me to get out.

I don't miss the megawatt smile that forms on her face and my stomach lurches at the gesture.


We are led to the dining table where Alex, Jean, my father, Jayda and Meghan ?! are already seated.

I sit directly opposite Alex while Chicago is directly opposite Jean. My father is at the end of the table while Jayda seats on his left meaning I'm seated between Jayda and Chicago. Meghan is seated on my father's left did.

"Why is she here ?" I ask no one in particular.

"I'm family." Meghan answers.

"Since when ?!"

She doesn't answer and the waiters start bringing in our food.

We eat in silence. I decide to ignore Meghan for the rest of the night. She's not going to ruin my night, Jayda is already here to do that.

My father makes small talk with basically everyone except Chicago. I know he doesn't like her and that's what makes all of this fun.

I turn to look at Chicago and she's pale.

"Are you okay ?"

I ask her and she winces in pain while holding the back of her head.

"I'm fine. Wh-Where's the bathroom ?" She stutters.

I stand up to take her but Jayda stops me and my father sides with her. I hate when they do that.

I watch as Chicago walks in pain. When she reaches the living room door she stops and before I can blink I see her collapse to the ground.


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