Chapter 15🥀Secrets and Lies

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🎵Listen to August by Taylor Swift🎶

        *CHICAGO'S POV*

I wake up and the first thing I notice is the unfamiliar room.
My throat is dry and I have a pounding headache.

Half of my face is covered with an oxygen mask. I raise my right hand too see an IV drip attached to it.

I hate hospitals.

The last time I was here was when my dad had the heart attack that made me go work for Wes.

Wes !

Where's Wes ?

The last thing I remember is that we were at his father's mansion having dinner.

I gather all my strength and sit up so I can survey my surrounding. I remove the oxygen mask and detach the IV drip from my hand.

Everything is white. From the tilled floor,  to the walls and ceiling. My bed and every other furniture in the room is also white.

I'm in a private room !

I've never set foot in one. When my dad got sick, we never could afford a private room so he always had to share rooms with other patients.

I turn and that's when I notice the familiar body sprawled on the couch. His cologne, which I only notice after I see him fills the room.

As if knowing someone is staring, he turns and out eyes meet. He still looks sleepy just like me.

He smiles at me and I smile back.


"Hi Logan."

Before I could say more I drift into darkness.


When I wake up it is already dark outside. Logan is not in the room anymore.

My stomach growls reminding me that I'm starving. I press the blue call button at the side of my hospital bed and in less than a minute a nurse rushes in holding a stethoscope.

Jean is right behind her. She is in casual clothes. Blue denim trousers and a white t-shirt. Her hair is in its normal tight ponytail.

"Are you alright Ms.Brook ?"

The nurse asks me while checking my vitals. I nod a yes and she leaves once she finds nothing is wrong.

I turn my attention to Jean.

"What happened to me...? Why am I in here...? Is Logan back...? I thought I saw him earlier and the most important question of them all... where's Wes...? Why is he not here...? Is he still mad at me because of the piano...? I didn't know that he wou-"

"Chicago !" Jean cuts me off.

I watch her come and sit on the chair next to my bed.

"Am going to answer all your questions once you get well." She says.

"That's not fair Jean. Come on. I need answers."

Jean looks at me debating on whether to answer me or not.

"Okay. I'll answer the questions you just asked. Nothing more..."

"...and nothing less."

She chuckles.

"Okay where do I start... You fainted at  dinner, that's what happened. You're in here because you had a blood clot that gave you severe headaches for the last seven days.

Logan was here. He's been with you the whole time you were sedated. Right now he's gone to get you food from your favorite restaurant."

I smile. "But that's across the city..."

She clears her throat and I return my attention back to her.

" I was saying... Logan went to get you food and Dean left on a business trip. It was last minute so he had to leave immediately..."

He left ?

"Okay" I whisper in a very low voice trying to hide my disappointment.


Jean left after seeing I had more questions for her. Logan came back an hour later with curry from my favorite indian place. I jumped on him and bruised myself in the process.

I really did miss him. It has been two months since I last saw him. He managed to snuck in some cheetos and skittles for me.

We talk about everything and nothing. He tells me he stopped going to college and started taking online classes. He also got an apartment and that's where he's been staying.

"How did you know I was in hospital ?" I finally ask the question that has been lingering in my mind.

"He came at my apartment. Your billionaire boss came at my apartment and told me."

"Why would he do that. He doesn't even like you. No offense."

"Non taken. Maybe he came out of guilt." Logan says and I stare at him like he has grown a third eye.

Why would Wes be feeling  guilty ?

"How long have I been in here ?" I try changing the topic but Logan doesn't take it.

He hands me a folder. I take it and study what's inside.

"These are my phone records... and all my texts to you... how did you even get a hold of them." I ask.

"My dad knows people in high places."

Logan proceeds to showing me the text message I sent him that night during his parent's anniversary.

It clearly shows I told him to come that night. But I didn't. I left my phone on my bed and-Wes !

It was him.

We were the only ones awake at the mansion that night. Ellen was asleep, Edward was at his room and Chad never leaves his post at night.

How could he ?

He planned the scene. The ice cream. Our talk. The was all staged.

"Penny for your thoughts ?" I turn to face Logan and he's staring at me.

"I forgot I sent the text. I was drunk that night."

"Your lying. He manipulated both of us. Lied to you and you still side with him. You've been in this damn hospital for six days and whether you tell me or not I know he had something to do with it, and you still side with him.

That family is toxic Chi... you should get far away from them as fast as possible."

Logan is right whether I accept it or not. Being around the Hughes is toxic but I need the money Wes is paying me.

My family needs it.

"Do you love him ?"

I turn to Logan tongue tied. He stares at me and I stare back.

"I've known him for three months. You don't fall in love with someone you just met three months ago. That's crazy. Even for me."

"But you do like him ?"

I don't answer.


Before Logan leaves he hands me a charm bracelet with letters spelling out my name.
I smile at him as he puts it on me.

"What's this for...?"

"Your Christmas present." He says.

I roll my eyes at him then chuckle."Christmas is four months away."

"Just shut up and accept it." I laugh. I really did miss him.

"Thanks." I whisper to him as he's giving me a  goodnight-goodbye hug.

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