17 - Sir Southcreek

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Nao's Point of View

"Good then, let's go outside," the Sir Southcreek says with another smile and turns to leave out the door again. While the large armor doesn't seem to slow him down, he still lumbers up the steps like you'd expect from a stout and somewhat stiff man.

Compared to him, Theodore seems young and flexible... despite being dead.

I take a deep breath and shake off the distracted thoughts. If Sir Southcreek finds out I am a necromancer, then he will kill me... even if they just find out about the hunters, he would still kill me, judging by how I've been treated till now... and he has both a sword and battle axe at his hip.

Also... if he is already suspecting me, then he might already know, and is just trying to get a confession out of me?


If he tries to kill me, then what should I do?

I feel my stomach sink, as I remember how Theodore ripped those three hunters apart, and then watch Sir Southcreek's wide back as I follow him out of the mausoleum.

I saw Theodore kill those guys so easily... so I know that there's no way I can escape Sir Southcreek if he decides to kill me during our conversation...

He's too fast, if I use Theodore as a basis... actually almost anyone. I'm still hungry and exhausted.

I do have 'that'... I have the rot aura skill that gives a low chance of causing people to vomit on the spot. If I use that, and that low chance activates, then it's possible that I could flee for long enough that Theodore could get here... I could but...

I clench a fist into my dress as I shut the mausoleum door behind me, and stare stiffly at the ground.

I don't want to kill anyone... and because of my talk with the undertaker I also understand something else. They can't afford to take the chance to let a Necromancer live. Especially one that doesn't have status or power.

They're probably already missing troops after the sacrifice... massacre... they can't afford a Necromancer betraying them and using their dead against them, so killing any necromancers is the only thing they can do. The life of one refugee is worth nothing to the risk a Necromancer brings... basically.

So trying to convince them that not all necromancers are evil, would be useless.

Then, what should I do?

... I don't want to die, but I don't want to kill anyone else either, even if they started it. I couldn't do anything to stop Theodore before, but that's different now.

I can only really ask to have the conversation near the gate... but if I do that, then I only seem even more suspicious. On the other hand, Sir Southcreek probably has an anti-lying skill if he does interrogations, right? Or at least there is a possibility.

I turn away from the door and look up at sir Southcreek that is already halfway up the stairs.

"Would it be possible for us talk here, sir?"

I make a risky decision. I'm going to bet on getting through the conversation, instead of getting away. But, if nothing else, then I don't want the conversation at the tavern. That would leave more people to listen, with more unique skills.

Sir Southcreek's brown eyes widen a bit, before he lumbers the rest of the way up the stairs.

"Well, at least come up in the light," he says warmly, before slumping down heavily by the side of the stairs so his armor rattles, with his legs down on one of the steps. He reaches his hand out and motions at the other side for a place to sit, so we face each other.

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