37 - Wishes to speak

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Nao's point of view


The high priest was what?!





No it couldn't be...

I mean... Henrietta said he couldn't...

Who am I kidding, it probably couldn't be anyone else!

I set off, running through the fort, like all the guards and knights, towards the chapel. Once I reach the chapel, it's practically flooded with people in armor... and up on the raised platform with the altar, stands the high priest... laughing. His holy book is part torn up, with pages flying through the air like scattered confetti. All with the brilliant backlight of the magnificent glass window in the back of the chapel.

The knights are trying to catch the posessed high priest, but each time they reach for him, he either moves out of the way effortlessly, or pulls or pushes them in the direction they're going, to make them trip over themselves.

He's laughing so hard he is tearing up...

The scene is ridiculous, and every second it gets worse... because, though they eventually try to swarm him, he gives the lightest looking jump, and ends up just stepping over their shoulders, like he weighs less than a child and doesn't weigh them down.

As they try to catch him with a net, he just lifts his hand through the air where the net is, and the net splits at his mere gesture.

I... sort of get how he received his status as a despair now. They don't even have a chance of stopping him, and he just laughs at them with mocking glee.

"Come on now, you can do better," he urges them, as he rips out another handful of pages from their holy book.

"How dare you insult goddess Eostra in her own house! Manipulate her servants! I shall expell you back to the other side!"

The bishop booms across the hall, but the high priest... no, Joshua... just laughs.

"Eostra? Aren't you forgetting someone? This house belongs to Seid and Morset as well!"

I stare in part disbelief. I mean, I was somehow definitely warned he was do this, but hearing about it and seeing this unfold are just two different tings.

Though, I guess the most important thing is... why is he doing this? Is it just to provocate them?

The bishop starts glowing with a warm green light as he chants a prayer to Eostra, and by his feet the rays of light swirl into what looks to be a spell circle. Joshua doesn't seem to care though, as he is in the middle of his game of tag. Joshua even glances to the bishop, and then goes back to playing tag with the knights.

"Why is it, that no matter when I do this, you always try to deal with it on your own? You could call those big strong heroes you have or the saintess herself to exorcise me."

I slowly get pushed further into the room, as more knights try to enter the room, and to not get trampled, I squish myself further towards the part of the room with most space, that extra space for Eosta. Seid's space is quite filled too.

Joshua does have a point though, with his words, because they really can't touch him, but at the time time, I worry that the answer would be, that they're afraid he might do the same to those heroes, and demotivate those enough to give up.

Finally, the bishop's spell activates, and the room shines with a flash of light.

When it dims again, the high priest just smiles at the bishop with a look of pity in his gleaming eyes.

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