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Tommy sat at the bar of a pub he frequented almost every night now he wasn't busy sitting in Jase's pocket. He felt on top of the world, picking the right side and finally getting his own back for Jase getting rid of Gabby. After his treatment of Madison, what gave him the right?

Their deal with exchanging Mia for Mickey hadn't exactly gone to plan. Benny had been ten minutes from the house he was squatting in when Mickey had slumped over in his seat after a sharp break at a zebra crossing. Benny had almost exploded at the fact that he'd died before he'd had a chance to reel off how he'd outsmarted all three of them. He'd get over it though, what else could they do? Madison and Jase would be on full alert, they'd never get the chance to take Mia again. They'd have to cut their losses and accept that one body was better than none at all.

It was a quiet day at the bar, as it often was half three in the afternoon on a Monday. There were a couple of regulars spending their weekly benefits on beer and games of pool. The place stank of moulding wood where so many drinks had been spilt over the years, seeping into the floor, warping the boards. The occasional click of pool balls bouncing off of one another broke through the 80's music playing from a digital jukebox on the wall, only ever interrupted by the gutsy roar of laughter from the group of men in the corner.

Tommy was sending out messages to try and cop a gram of coke when he felt the presence of someone sliding onto a barstool beside him. He looked up at the hooded figure, his brows furrowed as recognition sank in.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Tommy asked quietly.

"They're planning to kill you both, you and Benny," Kieran replied in a hushed voice.

Tommy scoffed. "Yeah? Them and what army? He's got Sam-"

"They have pictures of people, politicians, judges, high ranking police officers, the works. All dealing in lucrative businesses, you know, that kind of thing." Tommy knew what he meant, the stuff that no one wanted in the public eye. It was blackmailing material for all the people that mattered to turn a blind eye. He eyed Kieran suspiciously. Of all the people to cross Jase, he would have been Tommy's last guess. Hell, he'd have thought Sam was likelier to double cross his best friend than Kieran.

"Why are you telling me this? You're so far up Jase's arse you can taste what he had for breakfast." Kieran rolled his eyes, ignoring the obvious dig.

"You can't have expected me to just live my life listening to his every beck and call, especially with Madison around. They're too much together and I want out. I've just been waiting for the right time. I'll give you and Benny whatever information you want, just get rid of them."

Tommy raised his brows in surprise. Kieran meant business, he looked seriously pissed at the idea of constantly waiting on Jase hand and foot for the foreseeable future. Then, he supposed everyone reached their breaking point eventually and Kieran was probably over due his. They were good to him, but he knew what they really thought, that he was weak and unreliable. Especially after spilling to Madison where Jase had gone at the mere idea of her pulling a gun. Well, now it was his turn to prove them all wrong and he planned on doing a fucking good job, even if it felt as though his bowels fell right out of his arse in the process.

"You know, Madison and Jase would have a field day with the things they could come up with in a combined effort to put you through as much pain as possible, right?" Tommy questioned.

Kieran smirked. "How would they know? This is me you're on about, sweet Kieran, wouldn't hurt a fly, remember? Besides, if we get to them first, which is possible because we're one step ahead, they won't get the fucking chance." He had a point.

Tommy pursed his lips, still needing a little more convincing. "How can I trust you?" he asked, folding his arms and sitting up straight, staring at Kieran down the bridge of his nose.

"Well for a start, I came here to warn you. For another thing, I've bugged Madison's phone. She won't take Mia out of the house and her and Jase won't leave together, but she insists on getting out every now and again so she doesn't go stir crazy. All you and Benny have to do is get her on her own and Jase will come running. You know what he's like." Everyone knew what he was like. If he'd never let anyone lay a finger on her while she was in the house, now that she was the mother of his child there was no telling what he'd do. The idea got Tommy buzzing without the need of a line.

"Alright, I'll talk to Benny, let him know that you're looking for a piece of the pie and we'll get back to you. Take my number." He tapped the digits into Kieran's phone, the excitement building in him at the prospect of taking Jase and Madison out once and for all and of all the street cred they'd gain. Everyone would start to respect them again as being the ones who took out London's own Bonnie and Clyde.

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