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Mia was being difficult. Jase was going to arrive in the next ten minutes and she was refusing to let Madison dress her. Any other morning, it wouldn't be such a bother, but today Madison was running off fumes and three hours of broken sleep after Mia woke up earlier than usual. She didn't have the patience to chase the toddler around and wrestle her into a pair of tights.

"Please Mia," she half snapped, half pleaded, closing her eyes. Mia screamed at the top of her lungs as Madison tried to still the child long enough to pull the tights up, yanking her back with the material when she tried to make another break for it. "Enough," Madison clipped. The screams transformed into a lip wobble, realising her mother wasn't messing around. Madison handed Mia her phone and the pending tantrum was forgotten, the shoes were on and she was released.

Mia pretended to have a phone call as Madison pulled her own hair into a high ponytail and scraped together the unruly curls of her daughters', clipping and pinning where necessary, leaving her to play whilst she went to wash her face.

The lack of sleep was evident. Her alabaster complexion was closer to white and pockets of grey hung below her eyes. Cold water did little to revive her appearance, she resorted to concealer, mascara, and blush to camouflage the weariness. When she finished, she resembled more of a whole human rather than a competent zombie. A text message ding travelled through to the bathroom; Jase was outside.

"Morning," he greeted, opening the car door where Mia's seat was. "I haven't strapped it in because I wasn't sure how," he said. Mia squirmed in Madison's arms, stiffening her back and making holding her as easy as gripping a wet fish with greasy hands. She was at the age where everything was met with defiance and a challenge. Rarely did she win but this didn't stunt her determination.

"That's fine, I'll sort it," Madison said as calmly as someone on the brink of a mental breakdown could. The tension was climbing as she tried to juggle Mia and her bag and pull the car seat into position. Sensing her building frustration, Jase held his arms out.

"Give her here, you sort that." Madison handed Mia over without a second thought, relieved to take a few seconds away from the kicking and struggling. At the sudden change of arms holding her, Mia reevaluated her situation, curiosity piqued. She stared at Jase, sitting on his hip and leaning back to get a better look at his features, deciding whether she was going to make him her next victim or best friend. He smiled at her and Mia broke out in a toothy grin, pleased with the change of scenery.

"Sh'your name?" she asked in her loud toddler voice.

"Jase. What's your name?" he replied. Madison was half in the car, looping the seatbelt through the back of the car seat, listening to them. Everyone had a baby voice, the voice they used to address small children and puppies, but never did she think she'd hear Jase's. It was so unfitting for his character.


"That's a pretty name," Jase continued as Madison took a step back, straightening her leather jacket with an accomplished huff. She took Mia, who was finished with her complaining for the morning, and strapped her in.

"Where do you shop?" Jase asked, pulling away from the curb once all seatbelts were done.

"Tescos." They drove for a minute or so in silence before Jase spoke again.

"So I have good news and bad news," he said. Madison looked at him, bracing herself for whatever information was about to make her life just that little bit worse. Jase smiled reassuringly, shaking his head. "Nothing to do with that, it's your car." She relaxed.

"What about my car?"

"They slashed your tyre and cut your brakes, so it's going to be in the garage for a little longer than I anticipated," he said guiltily. It wasn't his fault but he felt partially responsible considering Paul and Chris worked for him. Madison tipped her head back, staring at the felt roof of the interior. That would set her back a few hundred. She was barely getting by as it was.

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