𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓒𝓪𝓼𝓮❦8

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Angie woke up to being shaken. "Hey, we got called in. We have to get going."

"I'm not even official yet," Angie groggily answered. She rolled onto her back, meeting the gaze of Emily.

"Consider this your interview. Now get your ass up and get ready." Emily ordered. Angie groaned heavily. Rolling off the bed and hitting the floor. "Well that's one way to wake up."

"Tell me about it," the teen pushed herself up. Rubbing the last bit of tiredness away. She trudged towards her bag, the one she didn't remember bringing up with her.

She pulled it over towards the open space on the free side of the room. Unzipping it and pushing the top over. The colors of her fabrics showing. She rummaged through, finding her white top with princess sleeves and her green pants.

When she stood up, her knees gave a small pop. She had taken in how the room was now empty. Just her standing there with the outfit in hand. Giving a shake of her head, she started to strip. Discarding the grey sweats and navy blue top. She threw the outfit together, becoming happy at how cute she look.

She grabbed her brush and bathroom utilities. Prancing into the rather large bathroom. She dropped everything carefully, starting her morning routine. First with brushing her teeth, then makeup, and finally hair.

She placed the little bear brush down, spinning on her heel to get her bag. Obviously, it had matched. A simple beige one. Holding her small wallet and phone that she had gotten back from the police just last night.

Skipping down the stairs, shoes clacking against the stairs, she had caught the attention of her new roommate.

"Morning there, you look nice." Emily complimented. It drew a little laugh from the girl on the stairs.

"This is how I usually dress," Angie shrugged. "I'm ready if you are! Oh! Can I drive?!"

"I don't see why not. We'll have to use the sirens, JJ said it was urgent." Emily complied. Tossing the key ring to her. Angie cheered and rushed out, Prentiss close behind her.


Pulling up to the scene, Angie took in the scene. Glancing down at her outfit, then at everyone else's. "I'm the best dressed here! I'm not even supposed to be here!" She joked.

The two hop out the car, and walk over to where Rossi was. "I was hoping you knew," he had just finished saying.

"JJ said the police told her it was urgent," Emily cut in. They three look between themselves, then down to Angie.

"You look nice for a crime scene," Derek said. Angie blinked rapidly, taken aback by the words.

"I think I look just right for a crime scene. My other outfit was going to be my beige sweater, but I didn't want to get it messy. I never know what could happen. I have many more outfits so," Angie gave a happy shrugged. The adults laughed and started their way to the crime scene. They received confused looks, probably because of Angie.

"You guys don't find it weird to be walking around with a 16 year old? Especially into a crime scene?" She raised the question as they trotted up the stairs.

"I think you're the least of our worries," Rossi soothed. "Don't let them get to you, kid. It'll distract you. They probably won't even know you're a teen" Angie understandably nodded.

"Yes they will," she mumbled loud enough for the three to hear.

They got to the apartment, officers filing in and out of the room. "Oh, you guys over here You guys remember Detective Walker?" JJ walked across the room.

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