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While Reid went through the old room, Angie had already emptied out her bank account. Giving the team an easy hint. She knew Penelope was watching everything that would trace back to her. And as she sat across the street with her bitter coffee, the sounds of sirens came into range. 

Surely enough, Hotch, JJ, and Rossi stepped out. All heading into the bank. The window on the building giving her a clear view of the conversation. 

The lady who helped earlier, pointed out over at the teen. The eyes of the three agents meeting Angie's. She smiled and got up, leaving the note with her plan behind. Rushing over to the motorcycle she had parked. Making it on just before they could reach her. 

And as they had guns pointed at her, she tilted her head and drove off. She knew they wouldn't shoot her. How could they? She grew to be apart of their family after all. 

The trio watched her swerve through the crowd of cars. Holstering their guns slowly. "Get the local PD to set up road blocks. We catch her alive." 

JJ left, going to work on getting ahold of the other police. Rossi stayed by Hotch. "She's good."

"I know, she's also always a step ahead." Hotch looked over at the note. He read over it, stopping at the jumble of words and numbers. "It's coded. She said only Reid knows the next part. Lets head back, we'll meet up with the others.

Across the way, Reid was in the old room. He had read over the previous notes. Finding nothing meaningful. That was until he caught a glimpse of a box. "Guys! I think I found something!" He called to the others. Listening to them hurry into the same room.

"A box?" Emily quizzed. She went closer to open it. Revealing a handful of tapes and CD's. They covered over many pictures. All being of other team members or herself with them. "Our box."

"I know the next step. Bring the box, we have to get back to the others." He hurried. 


The team sat around the tape player. They had watched the CD's already. Taking them into the early morning. They stayed all night watching the videos. How they all laughed so much when the girl in trouble joined. Along with, nights they would spend together, Angie crying and ranting about how she knows it wouldn't last, and just wholesome moments spent.

They were on the tapes now. Finishing up the one that was labeled JJ. Tears falling softly from some eyes, and others shaking their head in disbelief. 

The last one, was Emily's. That's how the order went after all. Angie had it all written out on how to go through the box.

Reid quickly loaded the black box. Pressing the play button for it to start. As he sat back down, he handed JJ her tape.

Ah, so you've made it. I believe this is the last one. Then, assuming Reid's figured it out, you'll be o your way after this one. Coming to arrest me and send me away. But before you do, you're listening to Emily's tape. And being honest, this one is going to hurt the most to talk about. I mean, this is the like seven hundredth time I've tried to record this. Ok, lets do this.

Emily Prentiss. I first met her when I was five. And I think that was the first time I thought I had found someone to take me in and keep me. But then she told me she couldn't. That was the worst feeling any five year old who had just lost her family could feel. Within the eleven years, I thought about calling her everyday. Having her number from a card I stole off her desk. Yes, even five year old me was mischievous. 

One day, I found the card in an old notebook. That's when I frowned upon my plan. The one that I put into action, seeing as you're hearing this. I almost did it. I almost called her that day. Maybe if I did, we wouldn't be in this situation. The terrible one I put myself in. Instead, I pushed the though away. Knowing the plan had to happen. 

I do wish I put it off longer though. Or, my future self does. The one you're after. I know she wishes she had more time with you all. That she could take more pictures, make a scrapbook, and copy it for you all. She can't though. 

Especially for Emily. The greatest mom I have ever had. She was the hardest to do this to. I know for a fact she blames herself. She convinced you all to let a teenager onto your team. But it's not. It's not your fault. It never has been. This would have happened no matter what. And, I know you also probably hate me. I do too. I'm a very confusing killer. No matter what though, I love you. You'll always be my favorite mom. And maybe, one day you'll forgive me. 

The thank you I owe you is too big for words. I'll give it to you the best I can though. So, thank you Emily Prentiss. Thank you for being so caring. Thank you for taking me in. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for show me the love I never got. Thank you for being there when I needed you the most. And thank you for being you.

I really do hate myself for going through with this plan. I can't go back, I know that. I'm too far into it now to just stop. I could easily take everything I've done to the grave, but that's not fair. It should be about sunrise now. If you got through this as I had planned. I'm not far. So, I'll see you all when I see you.

And with that it ended. The silence between everyone staying for quite some time. 

"Reid, she said you know the next part?" JJ quietly asked. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

The curly haired man nodded. "We talked once. She said that once I found the box of everything, she'll be waiting on the rooftop of the parking garage. I was confused on what that meant at the time, but now I'm not." He informed. 

"Right, so we should go get her then." Hotch sighed. The team, except Penelope, got up. Slowly making their way out.

Meanwhile, Angie sat on the edge. Her feet dangling over the side. She stayed there all night. Having a monster can next to her. It was empty of course. The drink kept her up all night. 

She sat there. The last note on the floor with a necklace. She waited for Derek to kick down the door with his gun pointed at her. Everyone following close behind.  Surely enough it happened.

Angie spun around. Her back now to the edge. "We know why you did what you did Angie. We listened to the tapes. Watched the CD's. We know your pain." Derek tried to reason.

"I know. But prison is too good for me." She sadly smiled. "And my only option is really prison. Or maybe join the Avengers, but I don't think they want a sociopathic teenager. I did good though. You couldn't have caught me."

"But you wanted us to, didn't you?" Hotch came a bit closer. Angie gave a nod. "You couldn't stand to live a life, knowing what you'd done."

"Slow down there, Hotchner. I never said you did catch me. I would never be able to live with a bunch of agents knowing what I'd done. That's what I thought at least. But I managed. And, I know you think you've got me pinned. Except, I'm always steps ahead." On those last words, she leaned back.

The wind breezing through her hair. Brushing past her exposed skin. As they thought it was her end, she had an escape plan. Just as she had waited for, arms reached out and caught her. Pulling her onto a random level. 

"Agent Emily Prentiss. Never seem to disappoint. I knew you'd be the one to catch me. Just like how I knew that you're on this level alone and the only way to get her are the stairs. Seeing as the elevator just so happens to be out of service."  Angie smiled. "But, I'm always steps ahead."

From behind, someone knocked Emily out with the butt of a gun. "God! You almost got yourself caught!" Stacy laughed.

"I would never! Now! My lesbian lover! Lets get out of here!" Angie responded. She held her hand out for the other to take. And together they ran. Having no vehicle to make noise with. Just their laughter filling the night sky.

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