A Heritage Revealed

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Now, any one even remotely acquainted with Uzumaki Naruto would know that he was definitely not one for honorifics. He could face down some of the most powerful ninja the world had ever seen and brush them off with a vaguely rude nickname and his relationship with the Sandaime Hokage was evidence of that very fact. He was the single most respected and powerful ninja in Konoha; he was their leader, The God of Shinobi. However, despite knowing every jutsu in Konoha, training the Sannin and surviving all of The Great Shinobi Wars; to Uzumaki Naruto, he was quite simply 'The Old Man'.

So when the same Uzumaki Naruto was faced with Konoha's own Namikaze Minato, the 'Yellow Flash', it was a testament to Naruto's respect and admiration for the man that all Naruto could muster was an awed 'Yondaime-sama'. Naruto himself was still trying to understand events himself. All he could remember before being faced with the image of the Yondaime, was learning the Kage Bunshin and Iruka and Mizuki turning up-

The rest of the memories hit him like kunai, each one driving itself deeper into him than the last. That feeling from before returned he was angry, hurt and confused all at the same time. It began to build once again, and once again red chakra began to creep beyond it's boundaries towards the distraught boys.

"Naruto, you need to calm down"

Naruto's eyes darted upwards back towards the Yondaime who had placed his hand on the other blonde's shoulder, and the red chakra began to recede; resulting in another cry of frustration from the Kyuubi. The Fourth just nonchalantly looked over his shoulder at the beast, peered back to Naruto and jabbed at the demon with his thumb.

"He sure is a noisy one isn't he? What do you say we go talk somewhere else?"

Naruto could only nod as the Yondaime took Naruto's arm and the two appeared to phase out of existence causing the Kyuubi to cry out once more.

Naruto looked around at his new surrounding quietly. For the first time in his life he didn't have anything to yell about. No message of defiance to scream out to the world. He glanced to the man standing in front of him and didn't know how to react. The Yondaime was standing right there in front of him and he barely even reacted. It was only when the former Hokage began to speak that Naruto even made eye contact with him.

"Naruto, I know that you've been through a lot tonight. I understand that you're in pain and that you lost someone important to you. But I need you to listen to what I have to say to you. I don't have much time until my chakra runs out and I have to leave, okay?" The blonde in question nodded once again, but said nothing. Seeing this, Minato sighed but pressed on nevertheless.

"First of all, I want to clear up what happened on the night of the Kyuubi's attack. I did not transform the fox into you. I was however forced to use a sealing jutsu to trap the Kyuubi away at the cost of my own life. Unfortunately, a demon of Kyuubi's power is far to powerful to be contained in just anything. To be sealed securely, it need to be trapped inside of a new-born human baby. That baby, was you."

Naruto's gaze fell downwards again, focusing on where the floor should have been.

"But I still don't understand, why did it have to be me? Why pick me! I, I -" But he was interrupted by the late Kage's hand grasping his shoulder reassuringly. Naruto looked up towards the Yondaime, who sported an ever so slightly cocky grin.

"Well I couldn't trust such an important job to any old kid. The kid I chose needed to be strong enough to keep that Fox locked away for good. So then, who better to choose than my own son? Right, Naruto?" Naruto's eyes never left the Yondaime's face. He desperately searched for any trace of deceit in the man's face, but could find none.

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