The Secret of Kage Bunshin

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Naruto was frozen in place, shell-shocked as the possibilities of his new discovery rushed about in his mind. He had gained the actual memories of his clone! The first idea that came to his head was naturally, training. He quickly wondered if he not only gained the memories, but the experience of the clones created by the Kage Bunshin. Would it work to improve his chakra control? Could he use it to help with the physical side of training.

Or was it simply memories, that he could use to study, without actually needing to personally study? Would it work with more than one clone at a time? He grinned widely as he placed his hands in the ram seal to experiment.

"Kage Bunshin no-" The jutsu was interrupted as Naruto felt a hand grab him by the ear and begin to drag him away from the Hokage Monument, literally kicking and screaming. "Gaah! What the hell?" He cried as he fought to gain a look at his assailant.

"'What the hell' is right!" What the hell were you doing sending a Bunshin to our appointment Naruto? I had your word that you wouldn't let me down!"

Naruto had no reply. Iruka-sensei was right. He had promised to take the lessons seriously, and he had broken that promise. It went against everything Naruto stood for. Not only had he broken a promise, it had been to one of the few people that truly cared about him, and Naruto had repaid that by betraying his trust.

The Chunin looked down at the blonde in front of him, staring at the ground dejectedly. He could quite plainly see that Naruto felt mortified about what he had done, Iruka had worded his accusation specifically to produce that result. Naruto needed to take this seriously, in order to be even slightly equal with the rest of the graduates. Even so, he couldn't help but feel guilty looking at the child he had come to see as something of a younger brother. He sighed out loud. He must be losing his ruthless streak as a shinobi from spending so much time at the academy.

"Listen, don't worry about it. We'll just go back now and cover the stuff again. And if you finish it all, I may just take you to Ichiraku's afterwards." Iruka watched the boy visibly perk up, before grinning as if he knew something that the Chunin didn't.

"Well, about that Iruka-sensei. I just found out something cool about the Kage Bunshin...

The Konoha Shinobi Library was completely abuzz with activity. Inside, in the Novice and Academy Student Section. A dozen orange blurs bounced from shelf to shelf, gathering up books that appeared useful. One solitary figure, was directing the veritable army of orange.

"You heard the boss! Look for the books that Iruka-sensei recommended. Three of you take stuff about chakra, three of you take history, three of you take the basic shinobi skills and the last group take basic strategy and tactics."

Even though he was answered with a chorus of grumbles and complaints, the clone that the original Naruto had left in charge was impressed with how impressive the clones were. If this worked as well as he thought it would, Iruka-sensei told him he could probably cover the entire academy curriculum in only a week! Originally, he was going to use more clones, but Iruka-sensei was really insistent that using loads of bunshin must have some negative side-effects, and he should ask the Hokage before using any more than the dozen he currently was.

Despite this, the clone was certain that the amount being used at the moment was enough to get the job done. He watched as the clones conquered the study tables in the room, and got to work, each taking a book from the enormous pile they had collected. Once satisfied the clones were working as they should, he turned to his attention to his own small pile of reading.

Whilst Naruto had pushed ninjutsu down on his list of priorities, it was still eternally fascinating to him. The things that could be accomplished were beyond belief, and even though Naruto knew he needed to improve heavily in other areas before he could begin to learn justu, he was still curious.

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