Chapter 7

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Elonique's POV

We went up the stairs and I was met with a lot of rooms that led to who knows where.

I followed behind as he went towards a room that appears to be his room.

He went inside and I followed , the room was huge with grey and black painting the walls.

A huge king size bed in the middle with a nightstand at the side with a laptop on a table and a chair in the corner with a lamp.

A door that led to what I assume is the bathroom and a big walk
in closet.

"You can sit on the bed",Damien said.

I made my way to the bed and sat down near the edge.

Damien was standing in front of me and he started to lift his shirt over his head and at the same I saw a tattoo on his chest written in cursive saying " No Mercy",

I was staring, then I quickly shook my head.

What are you doing Elonique.

"Woah, woah what are you doing ", I said looking shocked.

"Calm down I'm just going to take a shower",he said chuckling turning towards the bathroom.

I sat awkwardly on his bed playing with my hands looking around for about 10 minutes.

Suddenly Damien came out the bathroom in a white shirt and black sweatpants with his hair dripping wet. He had a towel around his neck that he was using to dry his hair.

He smelt amazing, that strong intoxicating scent.

Ofcourse I wasn't gonna tell him that.

He took a chair and sat down in front of me.

" I need your help to bake, there's this girl coming over and I want to impress her",he said looking straight into my face.

"Seriously, you know you could've just used a book as a guide to bake or even better the internet", I said.

"No it's different when I have help to do it properly for I can still mess it up"he said leaning back in the chair.

"Fine I will", I said sighing.

"Thanks for this",he said.

"Yeah, yeah", I replied rolling my eyes.

We headed downstairs and went straight towards the kitchen.

"So what are we baking ", I said turning my attention to Damien.

"A chocolate cake", he said ,"cool", I replied.

Chocolate my favourite.

So we started gathering all the ingredients flour, eggs, sugar , chocolate included of course etc from the cupboards.

He went for a book for baking and quickly went for the page for baking a chocolate cake.

We started to measure the amounts to be used when suddenly I felt a hit of a powdery substance to my face which I realised was flour.

"Oh no , you did not , game on" I said chuckling evilly.

I started to through flour on him ,we did this for a while, it was war and one of my hit landed right in his face.

"Oh oh", I said , my mouth forming an 'o' shape.

I turned to quickly run, I didn't reach far before he caught me tackling me to the ground which resulted with him being on top of me.

"I caught you", he said smirking staring into my eyes,while he held my wrists down.

"You've got a little flour on your cheek", he said , I reached to wipe it off.

"Is it gone", I said, "no you you idiot you didn't even wipe it off fully",he said as he laughed.

He released one of my wrist and reached for my cheek wiping it off with his thumb.

He stared intently at me, "uhh can you get off me please", I said.

He got off me and helped me up.

I went back to kitchen to start mixing the batter, then I poured out mixture in a pan and put it in the oven and the timer was set.

To pass time while we waited for the cake to be ready we lurked on our phones.

We sat a while till I heard a ding sound, signalling the cake was ready.

I went to the kitchen and took the pan out with oven mittens and placed it on the counter.

The aroma of the chocolate cake filled the air , it's like I could literally taste it at the tip of my tongue.

I inhaled the mouth watering scent.

"I want to put whip cream on it", he said to me, okay I replied.

He went for the whip cream in the fridge and sprayed it on the top of the cake in a circular motion.

"Wait,to finish lets top it off with strawberries ", I stated.

He nodded and handed me three strawberries I placed in the center.

"Done , we did it ",I said smiling looking at the cake.

There was silence for a moment then I cleared my throat.

"I'm gonna go" I said.

"I'll bring you back since you don't know your way around here to get back home" he replied.

"Yeah your right", I said.

We went outside towards the bike and we got on.

It took about 20 minutes to reach home.

I got off the bike and turned towards Damien.

"Thanks for your help" he said scratching the back of his head.

"No problem"I said.

"Bye Damien" I said  "goodbye Elonique", he replied before he zoomed down the street.

"Ah what day " I said as I went towards my house.

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