Chapter 39

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Warning: Very triggering things will be mentioned

Elonique's Pov

I sat by the island in the kitchen with Diana as we sipped fruit punch mixed with a little alcohol as I looked around, people were dancing as their sweats ran down their body going along the rhythm as they held unto their partner's waist moving as one.

I was so fixed on them , that I didn't realize Diana's hand in my face to get my attention.

"Huh, what did you say" I said as realization dawned up on me.

She laughed,"I was saying I'm going to the bathroom I think I need to do the number 2. "I'll be back" she said shly and I said okay as I chuckled at her.

I went upstairs as I felt I was sitting here too long looking around as there were many different rooms.

The first room I stumbled upon was a study room as it was occupied with a couple as I quickly closed back the door.

I went to the next door as I opened it I was met with a bedroom with a desk with books stacked in the corner and a door opened as it looked like bathroom it looked pretty plain.

As I was backing away from the room a presence behind me made me stiffen.

I froze in my place.

His breathe fanned my neck as it reeked of alcohol ,I wanted to vomit at his touch on my neck as his hand rested on my waist.

"Hey baby long time no see , I missed you" he said as his words slurred.

"Galinsky" I said as clenched my jaw.

"Aww you don't sound to happy to see me,how about I make you" he said as his tone now took a darker stance.

As I was about to run off but he grabbed me by my waist as he dragged me inside the room muffling my screams with his hand.

He threw me on the bed as he hovered over me, I tried screaming but I was silenced with a hard slap to my face.

I struggled against him as I was pleading"please don't do this " I said as I felt a tear slip.

"Shut up bitch" he said as he hit me again.

I was still struggling as I managed to get to the ground before he landed several kicks to my sides and face before I started becoming numb to the pain as the taste of a metallic liquid on the tip of tongue was an indicator that my lip was now combust.

I couldn't move a muscle ,I was weak and quite fragile at the moment.

He put me back on the bed as he managed to unbuckle his pants leaving in him in his underwear.

"You won't feel a thing baby"he said as he smirked .

I managed to let out a scream of help as it was my last chance of hope that someone would hear me before I was silenced again.

" Ready baby" he whispered as I closed my eyes waiting in anticipation for this nightmare to be over as my eyes stinged, I couldn't bare to look at him.

I heard a thud to the ground ,I opened my eyes to see my saviour low and behold it was.......

It was Damien

He was angry and beating the hell out of Galinsky not an ounce of mercy being shown ,all he saw was black as anger clouded his vision.

"Didn't I tell you not to fucking go near her" he said as he continued to deliver several blows blinded by rage .

He held Galinsky to the wall as his face almost looked completely unrecognizable as bloody ran down to his lips with a stupid smile etched on his face laughing like a maniac.

"Aww you mad , I was gonna hit first" he said still laughing.

Damien clenched his jaw as that comment seemed to tick him off further, landing another hard punch to his face as he dropped to the ground before landing several kicks to his side.

He was breathing hard as he rested his head against the wall.

He looked up at me with sad eyes , he wanted to say something I could sense but as usual he couldn't.

"I'm sorry", I heard him say as he sighed before leaving the room.

I was still in shock as I let out tears , dropping my limp body to the ground.

Diana found me ,she immediately wrapped her hands around me in comfort as she whispered encouraging words to me as I balled my eyes out.

She did find out what happened as she saw Galinsky's knocked out body on the ground.

She took me away from the room ,carrying me to another one, she stayed with me as she soughted out everything for my comfort.

"Elo do you want to go home" Diana said to me with concern.

"No "I replied as my head laid on her lap while she stroked my hair.

"Alright love", she said laying a kiss to my forehead.

We stayed for awhile until I told her that I wanted to enjoy the party a little.

She stood close by me as we went downstairs by the pool.

She got me some water while we sat by the pool together.

I wanted to pee so I told Diana she suggested that she went along with me but I told her it was okay.

I closed the door behind me as I was headed back to the pool before I could take a step towards there , I came face to face with Reyona.

"Well well, look who's here" she said completely annoyed as she rolled her eyes.

"Damn Galinsky , couldn't even do one thing right ,he had one job and fucked it up!, your lucky you got away you fat bitch" she sneered.

" Wait,you told him to do that how could --" she cut me off, " yeah,yeah I'll make sure your life's a living hell' she said continuing.

"I managed to get Damien from you,he was dumb enough to fall for my tricks, so naive , he was the easiest to get, falling so easily for my plan" she said smirking.

" He's no longer with you ,he's with me got that fatty! " she said as she poked my chest pushing me to the floor.

" Really was that so Reyona" Damien said in a dangerous dark tone.

He heard everything.

" Damien" she whispered his name.

She froze instantly in place.

I was too weak for this as I felt myself get dizzy blacking out.

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Until next time peace out

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