2. Devastating

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' I am worried about jimin ' yoongi said to hobi as he sat down in the practice hall next to his best friend. 'He is always practicing ,He is not eating with us infact I don't think he is eating at all ' he continued as they watched jimin go over a step in the choreography he had already perfected.

'I know I keep trying to make him eat something but he says he already ate or that he will eat later' hobi sighed 'I saw him coming out of the practice room today morning when I got here, when I asked he said he just came but the dance master said he was practicing even before they got here '
Yoongi sighed shaking his head 'he is being too hard on himself...not eating and practicing all the time..he must be exhausted'
Hobi nodded and said 'he hasn't even been to our doom much lately...he is not there when I wake up or go to sleep...he just comes in for  a quick shower and then leaves saying he has to practice. Manager hyung said that the cleaning staff found him asleep on the practice hall floor'
'This is bad we have to do something' Yoongi said looking worriedly at jimin
He always considered him as a younger brother and to see jimin suffer pained him deeply.
'What are u guys talking about?' Jungkook asked as he came to them with a glass of banana milk in hand
'Nothing just some new song I was trying to write' yoongi said just as hobi opened his mouth
Yoongi signaled to hoseok 'yes the song '
'Oh well I am soo beat and our schedule is completely tight ...so I don't have time to even think about  a solo now' jungkook said sitting down and sipping on his milk.
'Hey did u guys eat ? ' v asked as he sat next to hoseok looking hungry and exhausted.
'No..we were about to! Yah jiminah come and eat lunch!' Hobi said as namjoon and jin also came over
'I am not hungry hyung ' jimin said as he continued to try sing his part in war of hormones
'Oh this kid not eating anything now a days ' jin said.
'Jimin you already know that part just take a break and have something ' namjoon said as sighed as jimin shook his head indicating no.
'Jiminah come eat a little' Tae said to his soul mate worriedly .jimin looked weak and tae was constantly nagging him to eat with them.
'Jimin hyung come sit with us atleast' Jungkook said just to shut up his hyungs so that they can eat in peace
"Ohhh jungkookie missed me " jimin appeared by Jungkooks side and started to lean on him
' hyung stop leaning on me you are so sweaty! ' jungkook frowned and jimin just giggled
As lunch progressed jimin tried talking to jungkook only to be ignored as jungkook was busy chatting with tae.
Jimin tired to join in only  to notice how jungkook acted like the smaller male was invisible.
He tried not letting it show how he was a little hurt by the maknaes behavior.

He then tried to gain jungkooks attention by holding his shoulder and massaging it as jungkook ate .
"Oh hyung right there' junhkook said
That was more than enough for jimin as he continued doing his best with a smile on his face and flushed cheeks

Yoongi watched it all.....of course he knew jimin liked jungkook, everyone with a pair of eyes could see it
All of the hyungs knew
All of the army knew
the bighit staff knew .
It was that obvious ,the cute little mochi could never hide his emotions toward the youngest .he was always clinging to him, trying to get his attention ,dieing for a compliment from him.
What yoongi noticed new was how jimin didn't seem to be understanding that jungkook finds him annoying,it pained him that jungkook was hurting the poor boy.. unintentionally of course.

All yoogi could do now was hope jimin just gives up before he gets more hurt.



'and now jungkook will rank the members based on their looks' namjoon said and jimin visibly tensed
He hoped with every fibre of his being that he would not get his heart broken again .


'Second is hobi hyung 'jungkook said

Oh course, Hobi hyung is handsome he is beautiful ,kind and sweet I thought as we watch him do a dork dance of victory.  Even when doing a dork dance it was surprising how sexy he looked.
I look back to jungkook, my heart beating fast,palms sweaty as I try to remind myself that it is just a stupid ranking question and not the end of the world.
'Then is namjoon hyung'
Ya he does deserve it, he is tall has a great body and can speak English fluently...
My heart clench painfully and all the color drain off my face as he placed tae as 4rd .
Taehyung is the definition of perfection, he looks like a doll came to life...he is handsome, so it's understandable he was placed 4th.
I saw him looking only at Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung and watched painfully as he picked Yoongi fifth and placed himself as 6th
My heart ached and I felt smaller than ever while jungkook stood between me and Jin hyung..I knew what was to come but I just didn't want to know. Just wanted to escape this humiliation and misery. I try and maintain my composure anticipating the worst.
'Now for the first....' jungkook said as he held Jin hyung's hand and mine in the other.
I heard the members say how awful it would be if he chose me last again , 2 times in a row.
I didn't feel like standing here again to be reminded that jungkook thinks that I am ugly..I worked so heard to be better, but I felt the whole situation was just a reminder that to him I would still be the least attractive.
As if in slow-motion I saw him raise Jins hand, I watch as the members cheer for jin hyung and slightly push jungkook off, trying to play cool even when I felt like I was drowning, feeling a heavy weight on my shoulders. I saw  some of the members ask him if there is any change in the ranking and felt a sliver of hope.
"No, no change" he said
Though my insides were in turmoil, I try to get past this and focus on the interview. The voices in my head tormented me calling me fat and ugly, even surrounded by everyone and in front of a whole crew I felt alone...lost in my miserable thoughts.
I look at the others again realizing how perfect they were and noticed how my every flaw  was more visible as I stand next to them.
I fought to keep my tears at bay........
Will I ever be good enough of jungkook
For bangtan
for an idol.......
I didn't know..........


Jimin is my bias, I love him and find no fault in him what so ever...
Jungkook is also my favorite, jikook for life.
⚠️This is fiction and if you are offended by this then that's your problem.

Love you guysss
Laters 💜

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