10.I love him

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After coming back to the dorm jimin helped hobi get to comfortable pajamas and made so hot soup for him to drink
Hobi had a bad sore throat but didn't want to decline the soup made my his little roommate ...so he at till he couldn't eat more and quickly lay down after accepting his medicines from jimin.
With the spare time in his hands jimin Showered and did his skin routine
All the while his thoughts revolve around the members....specifically a single member with a bunny smile
It was been almost a month since jimin overheard jungkooks and taes conversation. All this while even though he is ignoring jungkook he still can't help but wonder about him.
It pained him when jungkook didn't make any attempts to talk to him but he wasn't really surprised. This further proved that he hated jimin (according to jimin). He felt the similar ache on his chest and decided to try and sleep .
He was just about to go to bed when he heard a knock and 'jiminah! Are you awake ' namjoon asked in a low voice
'Yes hyung I will come out' jimin said and got up form bed slowly he didn't want to wake up hobi who was sleeping peacefully.
He opened the door to see namjoon with a small smile 'hey...you tired...if u want we can talk in the morning..'
'What is it hyung?'
'I know you are devastated jiminah because of jungkoo-' jimins eyes widened as he looked around Frantically 'dont worry he and jin went to the gym
'I am doing better hyung...'
'You are starving yourself, u passed out during dance practices twice this month alone...and you are always gloomy i know you are trying to act like you are fine...I also know you are still deeply hurt by jungkook'
Jimjn sighed...there was no point in hiding his emotions from namjoon.the man has an IQ of 148 he can read jimin like a book
'I am trying to overcome the pain...but it still hurts hyung...he was my first love 'jimin said with his eyes closed as he tried to control himself
'Clearly ur techniques for overcoming the pain are not effective....you are still in pain ' he said wisely
'So what now' jimin asked hopeless....will he never get over this painful feeling
'Do you know what I do when I am feeling something I can't control?" Namjoon asked and jimin shook his head
Rm raised his hand with this notebook with a knowing smile
'You...study when you are sad??" Jimin asked
'What!! Noo I write!!! ' ohhhhh jimin thought
'And then create songs as a way to vent out my feelings....it works everytime...soo park jimin!! Are you ready to open up!!' Namjoon asked
Jimin gulped and he nodded with doubt

'So when you said ""are you ready to open up"" you literally meant now!!!' Jimin asked a happy looking rm
'Its almost 12 and we have practice tommorow!!' Jimin complained
'Music doesn't wait jiminah...you are going to tell me everything..and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING!' He said excitedly 'and then we are together going to create a solo song for you " smiling like a kid who saw candy
'You don't have to look so happy for me getting my heart broken! How rude!' Jimin pouted
'Sorry I am just pumped!' He said as he tried to hide his smile but failed miserably
'So....jungkook? When did you start developing feelings for him' he asked
Jimin sighed "I think I have always had a soft spot for him....he was so small in the beginning, soo shy and so innocent that I felt the need to protect him from this cruel world....I felt like it was my responsibility to look after him and I loved doing that.." jimin smiled as he remembered the small jungkookie from before their debut...his cute small face and bambi eyes filled with innocence
'What was the feeling....discribe it ' namjoon pushed
'It was....Strange but also the most beautiful feeling in the world...I felt like I could just be with him all day and that would be enough ,like I will do anything just to see him safe and happy...he was my prince and my little baby 'he sighed

'I remember finding him crying in the backstage because he missed his family and it killed me!!! I just sat nd cried with him till he was ok...I knew he had felt lonely so I never left his side' jimin said as he remembered the scene
'I knew he had a big appetite so I brought him food with my pocket money, even if I didn't eat i wanted him to never have an empty stomach....to never feel like he had noone to go when he faced any problems"
'I saved up my lunch money from school to buy him the shoes I saw him checking out at a store for his birthday..." namjoon patted him on the back, touched by the love jimin had for the maknae
'I still remember his face when he got the gift he was sooo thrilled!! He used to show it to everyone saying look what jiminie hyung got me!...." jimin laughed sadly
Namjoon side hugged jimin as he took in everything 'and then everything changed?....' namjoon asked softly
Jimin nodded his eyes getting glassy 'he started to hangout more with tae and jin hyung....basically everyone but me ' he took a deep breath before continuing 'he slowly started avoiding me would run away from me ,would make me leave when I went to his room to see him...would rarely acknowledge me so...I always went to him even when he told me I was annoying or behaved coldly to me I thought-" jimin sobbed 'he-e was being shy i didn't kn-now he hated me'
'I always knew I loved him but , when he started to push me away I realized how deep my feelings for him were! So I kept trying...to-" jimin was fulll on sobbing on namjoons shoulder
'T-to make m-my self better for him , but what ever I did he didn't feel the same I felt for him ,he felt even more revolted by me !" Jimin cried painfully and rm closed his eyes hugging him tight trying to take the pain away
'I am just soo disgusted by my self now I hate looking at the mirror I hate that I am not perfect at dance that my voice is so shrill!' He cried
'What are you saying jiminah! Please stop saying these lies about yourself 'namjoon said looking at a devastated jimin.
'But I cannot stop loving my kookie even now wh-en I k-now he hates m-me! ,I always want him to be ha-ppy and if he is happy without m-me when I am going to stop bot-hering ...... an-d I will sti-ll try being be-tter for hi-m ' jimin said between sobs
All namjoon could do was cry holding his brother and wonder how anyone could love someone so selflessly....

This was sad to write, but I hope I conveyed the feelings.
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Love yourself

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