166 - Rebecca

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I felt a breeze then someone was standing in front of me. My eyes flicked up to see Colby, only this was a Colby I wasn't used to. Not entirely, at least. There were bloodstains on his hands and splatters on his clothes; a dark look in his eye. He looked like he was about to devour me and honestly, I wouldn't stop him if he tried.

He, with the least red hand, gently took my jaw and tilted my face up so he could lean down and kiss me easily. The kiss was so much softer than earlier that it was genuinely hard to believe it was the same guy kissing me, but I knew Colby's kiss when I felt it. And I knew this one in particular—it was the kiss he'd given me when he wanted to fuck but also couldn't. That kiss was ingrained into my memory for a lot of reasons.

I slowly pulled back and stood up. He had the choice of either sitting down with me right now or going upstairs. Whichever he picked, I would go along with.

He seemed to deliberate for a moment then grabbed onto my hips. I took hold of his shirt just before everything went blurry around me. We ended up in his room, where he placed me delicately down beside the bed as if I would break. His eyes were softer now, though I could still see his agitation in them.

I had to ask. "Are you okay?"

His jaw clenched. "No."

"What's bothering you?" He just shook his head, but that wasn't good enough for me. I wanted answers. I wanted to understand him and his troubles. Maybe he read that in my face because he sighed.

"Give me a minute," he said and I immediately agreed. He slid away from me into the bathroom, leaving the door open so I could see him take all of his rings off. He ran his hands under the water, washing away the blood. Something about his movements was purposely slow, as if he wanted me to see him do it. I didn't understand why.

After a few seconds, I walked into the bathroom with him and I hugged him from behind. I wrapped my arms around his waist whilst standing behind him, rested my head on his back, and just stood there. He didn't argue with me or push me away, he just continued to wash his hands then leaned against the counter and went still. I stayed with him because I knew this was what he wanted, in some way.

Eventually, he dried his hands and lifted his arm, leaving the space open for me. I slid around to his front, allowing him to take me by the hips and place me on the counter. His fingers slid under my skirt, but they didn't mean to. His eyes now were completely soft.

He was vulnerable and open to me.

"You scared me," he admitted, caressing my side with his thumb. "You really scared me. I don't know why, but I felt so certain that I was going to lose you." I could feel my heart pounding in my chest at his words. "I've only ever been scared for Sam's life before. He doesn't know it, but every time he comes out with me for a job, I'm fucking terrified I'm going to lose him. And now, I have to care about you, too, but you don't make it as easy as he does."

"Not sorry," I breathed, smiling. He couldn't bring himself to match it.

"You remember what I said to you?" He asked sternly.

"Without me, you can't change."

"Right. I want to change; I want you; I want everything that I already have. Under no circumstance do I want you hurt. That means I don't want you alone. I don't care who's with you, as long as you aren't alone."

"Okay," I whispered, "but when I'm like-"

"Don't," Colby cut me off. "Please, just... don't. I want to stay glad that you're alive, not mad at you. At least, not madder at you." He shook his head. "I need you living now."

Although I so badly wanted to dispute that, I didn't. Now wasn't the time for fighting over it. I was glad to be back with him; to be safe. I had to respect that and save that issue for another day. But I would get what I wanted.

So, instead of talking, I tugged him against the counter and wrapped my legs around him to trap him. He glanced down, his one eyebrow raised. When he met my eyes, though, I finally saw some of that lust returning. My body started to act on its own, driving me forward into him. I kissed him passionately, in a way that makes you want someone more than ever before.

His hands slid in opposite directions, one under my skirt and the other into my hair. He tugged, which brought a gasp out of my throat. He smiled into the kiss, his fingers getting tighter on my skin. When he tugged again, my gasp granted him easy access to my mouth, and he took full advantage of that. He dominated me like never before. He took me over like he fucking owned me, and I was all for it.

I ended up dragging his hoodie over his head just a second after, and he let it drop without a care in the world. His mouth quickly found mine again as he pulled me off of the counter then carried me to his bed. He stood there for a moment enjoying the deep kiss until he threw me down aggressively. I almost bounced.

Slowly, he came across the bed and crawled on top of me, hovering above me with his lips pressed to my neck. The dam was swung open again, only this time, we could both act on it. Colby let his body down almost completely onto mine, spreading my legs enough to slip between them. His hips pressed to mine through our clothes and he started to grind down into me making me moan out loud.

He came back to my lips to muffle the sound, but I was too loud anyway. He didn't stop his movements as he reached behind me to unzip my top. It didn't take him long to have it off, my arms through the sleeves, and the fabric thrown to the side somewhere inconsequential.

Next to come off was my skirt, then his sweatpants. Even when he stopped his movements to take off those things, he came right back and ground on me again. I had my one hand in his hair, the other resting between us somewhere around his v-line—I wasn't sure, I was just ready for us to move along.  He didn't, though, not for another few minutes of steamy make out.

When he pulled back, he gently held my face in just one of his hands, caught my eye, then showed off that vulnerable side again. "I love you," he said and I smiled. I copied his movements, taking his jaw in one hand.

"I love you," I said, "and I always will."

The way he smiled completely took my breath away. I loved him so much it almost hurt to admit it.

Fuck, my life had gone well.

Who'd've thought?

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang