191 - Colby

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It used to be quite easy to go out and complete a job, but after finding someone I cared about and leaving her close to unguarded at home, it was suddenly torture. Even for Sam or Aryia, it wasn't so bad, because those out to get us weren't out to get Katrina or Angela—they were out for Rebecca's blood, sometimes literally.

Blair was still somewhere holding a grudge against Rebecca; Julian was out there waiting to get his teeth in her, which he'd been waiting for probably since she was born; anyone who wanted to hurt me would go straight for my rumoured-about One. It would take five seconds of talking to her to know who she was to me.

Today, despite all of that, we were out doing a job. Sam and Aryia were on edge but I knew they had nothing on me. I was itching for this to be over so I could go home and have Rebecca sit on my lap while she argued with one of my friends or trash-talked Jake across the room—any of it would be better than this. I'd even take arguing with her since at least then I'd know she was safe and right there in front of me.

I hoped giving her her dagger would be enough, so if she really had to, she was capable of fighting anyone who came for them. I didn't know why my brain was so sure someone would now that they were back home—I guess I was just used to shit going wrong by now. It always happened when she and I weren't together.

Another stab of anxiety shocked my body. I didn't mean for it to, it just happened and I had to try to ignore it so I could focus on the job at hand. I didn't think about how close Kevin was or that he would feel my emotion until I felt his hand lightly on my shoulder. I glanced back at him for half a second, his sense of calm crawling through me. I appreciated it even if I didn't say so.

Our job had gone on for too long, it felt, by the time I was being handed a case of money. I gave our client a stern nod then motioned for Griffin and Xepher to leave—they were our getaway guys who had to make sure no one was in our way. A beat after they were gone, I passed the money to Sam and followed behind. The group were quick to come with, racing almost as fast through LA.

With my anxiety only getting worse, I started to move faster until I was beside Xepher, who glanced at me and tried to smile. I ignored her. My only mission was getting back to the house to Rebecca, who I needed to continue to be okay.

Her bruises had only just cleared up completely, I didn't want more to be added. I needed her to stay alive and healthy.

Knowing a shortcut back to the house, I took a detour from Griffin's path. I leapt up onto a rooftop and followed the path of buildings toward our house. Every time I jumped, I kept an eye on the people below to make sure they didn't see me. If they happened to be looking up, they might have seen a blur of a shadow, which I didn't have to worry about—people convinced themselves of all sorts.

Sam was running with me, Kevin tagging along a few feet behind him. I didn't acknowledge them at all as I completed my biggest jump yet across a highway. I landed on concrete that cracked beneath my force. What would someone think if they saw it? Certainly, it had nothing to do with vampires, so I kept running. I was on the ground now, racing way ahead of anyone else. Sam and Kevin wouldn't have been able to complete that jump so I knew I was also now alone.

Every sense was on alert for the last couple of minutes of my run. I watched the shadows; listened for footsteps; kept my nose working for vervaine. I was prepared for just about anything that could have come at me... I thought.

I jumped completely over a house in my way, landing on the sidewalk opposite my home. Rebecca's car was on the driveway, which was a relief, along with Angela's and everyone else's. It looked like they hadn't been driven anywhere so my girlfriend had obviously chosen not to be as difficult today.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora