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Chapter 176: A Competition of Courage? Disciples of Shengjing and Xiyi Will Play It!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

At this moment, Xu Zixin and Shen Qingqing decided to watch the others first, considering the creepy atmosphere in the game.

Lin Shao and Xu Luo glanced at Song Qingfeng, asking, "Young Master Song, shall we play it again?"

Song Qingfeng wasn't a faint-hearted guy. After hearing the others' words, he found the game less scary now.

After some consideration, he said, "Let's play it! It's only one monster, and we can always run if we can't defeat it. Besides, it is just a game, and we had died many times in the games before!"

At this thought, he wasn't as afraid as a moment ago.

"Hehe! You're right! Young Master Song!" Lin Shao said loudly.

"Let's continue! We'll just run when we encounter that thing again! We just tried and escaped it!" Meanwhile, the others came and stood behind them, wanting to see if other creepy situations would come up and thus get themselves prepared emotionally.

"Master... How come the street is full of these creatures in your game?" Glancing at Su Tianji's screen, Fenghua shivered at the sight where many distorted figures swarmed up from the thick mist!

They had mentioned that there was only one monster, right?! The girls watched from behind while huddling together and almost screaming.

There were so many of them?! While their faces twitched, Song Qingfeng and the other players yelled, "Run! Run!"

After running for a while, they murmured, "Where am I now?" Although they had maps with them, they couldn't even decipher the information right now! Meanwhile, the thick mist around them threatened to swallow them!

The mist seemed even thicker than before! Now, they couldn't even see things beyond their arms!

They couldn't see anything hiding in the mist and didn't know if they would run into some more horrible things!

Anything was quite possible since the game had created a weird and totally illogical atmosphere from the very beginning.

Under the power of their wild imagination, they wouldn't feel surprised if even weirder things happened in this strange place!

In the real world, they probably would think that these monsters were tricks played by other people. But in the games at Fang Qi's shop, they knew that anything could happen.

After all, they had seen angels and demons that they had never imagined before; they wondered what creepy things were hiding in this game.

They felt chills running down their spines at the possibilities. However, they had to explore deeper into this environment. The more scared they were, the deeper they must explore!

After all, the main character was here to look for his wife, and he must try his best to find clues. Meanwhile, the people watching the game found the game became quite inhumane as it went on!

Nalan Hongwu's old face twitched when he saw that the game forced the players to dig into the horror on top of scaring them. Otherwise, the game couldn't continue!

Even though only one monster appeared so far, Song Qingfeng felt like his legs had turned into jelly.

After all, it wasn't the Silent Hill which Fang Qi had played on Earth, as it was in a virtual reality environment...

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