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Chapter 686: ADHD Before Battle, and Elder Su who went AFK on the battleground

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

[TL Note: ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and AFK stands for away from keyboard.]

By now, only a small portion of players had reached level 10.

After all, World of Warcraft was more refined than the Legend of Mir 2, and it wasn't as simple and crude. The players needed to learn lots of stuff. At this moment, like Elder Sewell, many players were still wandering in the beginners' zone. Like the members of the Golden Griffin Knight Legion, some still didn't know how to use the hearthstones and only mastered skills such as Judgement by accident.

The players who could go to the battleground were either lucky, skillful, or had been focusing on leveling up.

For example, the Dwarf Elder Sauk in the Canglan City Shop had been teleported to the battleground as well, and he was one of the players with good skills.

In the Half City Shop, the King of Rangers, a youth who was about 14 years old, had graduated from Dungeon Fighter Online and was also trying World of Warcraft today.

There was a moderate number of viewers in his livestream room. Playing as a night elf hunter, he entered the battleground while reading the messages on the screen. "Give a show? Um... I'll try. But I think we'll have a big streamer on the battleground today. Don't you think so?"

"I don't know the situation in the new shop, but I think we might encounter masters from the outlands." He took off his virtual reality headset and said, "I'll eat some instant noodles first and see what happens on the battleground."


Meanwhile, on the side of the Horde, the players were all teleported into a stone tower. The moment Mr. Dirk entered, he glanced around while holding his double-handed sword. "I see enemies the moment I enter the battleground. It's indeed a dangerous place!"

"I'm using Bloodrage! Charge! Whirling Cleave! (he used his own battle technique) Execution!" He yelled repeatedly as if he was controlling his combat techniques with his voice. While hacking and slashing with his double-handed sword, he used elegant movements as he charged toward a troll.

"Attacks are ineffective?"

"Hiss! He seems to belong to the Horde too? Oh... I hacked the wrong person..." Looking at the troll who had been paralyzed by fear, the orc on the screen murmured to himself.

At this moment, each player received a prompt. [The battleground will be opened in one minute.]

"The battle hasn't begun yet; I thought I would engage in a battle as soon as I came..."

[Embarrassing!] The audience erupted and talked amongst themselves.

[Dog-Headed Man! He's definitely the embarrassing Dog-Headed Man!]

[He almost hacked his teammate to death...]

By now, ten teammates had all arrived, and the atmosphere became more tense during the countdown.

"Um... why does this person keep on twitching?"

– In the Jiuhua City Shop –

"Still need to wait for one minute? I'll eat some noodles then." While eating instant noodles, Nalan Mingxue put one finger on the keyboard and moved on the left key and right key repeatedly.

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