Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Derrick's POV

4 weeks later...

'I think you guys are cute but...isn't it bad luck to see each other know.' Justin said.
I looked at my idiot brother and wanted to hit him upside the head. 
'Are you serious?  She's not leaving my sight for one second.  If she'd let me, I'd go to the bathroom with her.' I told him and looked at my soon to be wife while she rolled her eyes at me.
'I know you would.  But I bet once she closes the bathroom door you're just standing beside it waiting for her to come out.  Am I right?' He asked me.
I slowly looked in Angela's direction and she wasn't impressed.
'I'm just making sure we don't get a repeat of what happened last time.' I said to her and she gave me a small smile.
'Is it time yet?' Amanda came close to us.
'Not yet, there going to call our name.' Angela answered.
'You're not going to forget me, right?' She asked looking back and forth between her mother and I.
'No, it's impossible to forget you.' I told her and she smiled and went back to Angela's parents.
When we told her we were getting married.  She didn't understand what that meant but when Angela explained it to her, she didn't seem to care that much.  Nothing was going to change, it just meant we'd be a real family, legally.  She only got really excited when Angela told her she could wear a pretty dress and she could pick it out.
Amanda had picked out a fluffy pink dress full of sparkles.  She was fancier than the rest of us, including the bride.
Angela and I had decided to go with a Civil Ceremony with only a few people.  Our guests were Angela's parents, Justin and the three of us.
My parents couldn't find the time to show up.  They had apologized, asking to send pictures.  I could tell it bothered Angela, even though they were my parents but I was used to it and was relieved they couldn't come.
The people that were here with us, were the ones I actually wanted here.  Barb and Dave, the closest thing to parents to me and for them to be my parents-in-law was a great gift.  I could always count on them when we needed help and they actually took the time to help us out.
My brother was the only person throughout my whole life who hadn't left my side when Angela was missing.  All my friends left one by one not bothering to look back. I knew I was lucky to have him with me today.
I was wearing a black suit and my future bride was wearing a nice white skirt that made her butt look amazing and what she called champagne color sleeveless draped top that showed enough skin to make me wonder what she had under it while still making her look classy. 
We didn't need a best man or maid of honor but we did need two witnesses.  After Angela and I had signed our wedding license a week ago, we had 90 days to get married.  Angela decided the date and we both agreed on what kind of wedding we wanted.  We didn't want a big church wedding since we weren't a lot of people and well...we just didn't want one too.  We decided that this time around, we would choose what we wanted instead of letting others decide for us.
We were happy when we learned that we could have family as witnesses.  We didn't think it was possible but it was great to know.  We agreed to choose one person each who would be our witnesses.
Angela chose her mother, who was over the moon.  They had made big progress with Amanda these last few months but the progress between Barb, Dave and Angela was also a lot stronger. 
I chose the only person who had stood beside me my whole life.  When I asked Justin, he was excited.  He was spending more time with Amanda that it was obvious she liked her Uncle.  He could make her laugh which was great but Amanda realized that she could get away with anything if he was around.
'Mr. Derrick Gibson & Miss Angela Webb.'
We looked at each other and we started walking over to the woman who had called our names.  Angela grabbed my hand and held on tightly.
'That's us.' I told her the woman who had called our names.
'Alright, you have 2 witnesses?' She asked us and Angela said we did.
'That's great, the ceremony as you know will last about 30 minutes.  Please make sure you have all the papers required with you to give to Judge Mitt before the ceremony starts.' She said looking at us.
'Sounds good.' I told her and she smiled.  'Best of luck.' She said and we started to walk.
I looked at Angela, 'Best wedding ever.' I said smirking.
'If you don't want to do this....' She started to say.
'Are you nuts?  If you want to change your mind it’s one thing but, I want to marry you today, like this because my woman looks really good.  Your wedding outfit has my mind going crazy and it will be a lot quicker than taking off a huge big fat dress.  You're cutting my time by at least half, which I am very happy with.' I told her and her face was red, she was blushing so hard.
'Do you want to marry me today Miss Webb?' I asked her.
It was her turn to smirk 'Yeah.' 
'You're thinking of dirty thought right now, I know how your brain works you know.' I whispered and her cheeks went red again making me laugh.
'Shush.' She whispered back. 'Beside, I'm allowed to think that about my future husband.' She added.
'Damn right, just like I am too.' I said smiling.
Angela got Amanda's attention and told her to come closer with us and then we made our way inside.
Once everyone was in, there were a few chairs and our guests sat down.
When Judge Mitt confirmed he had every paper he needed he started the ceremony.
I tried to listen to what he was saying but I was to busy just looking at my girl who was going to be my wife in a few minutes.  I kept thinking about everything we went through to get to this very spot. the same time wondering what color bra she had on.
If only she could read my mind, I know my arm would be black and blue at this point.  When our eyes would connect, the looks she was giving me was that she didn't need to read my mind to know what I was thinking which made me smile.
'You have the rings?' The Judge asked making me pay attention.
I looked at Justin who had a big smile, he got up and gave me the rings.
I gave Angela my ring and I kept hers.  Since we weren't getting married by a priest, we didn't need to give our rings to be blessed.
'Ready?' The Judge whispered to us.  Angela and I looked at each other, smiled and nodded.
'Derrick, repeat after me...'  He started to say and I took a deep breath hoping that my voice wouldn't crack.
'I, Derrick Gibson, take you Angela Webb to be my wife.' I said smirking.
When the Judge would continue to guide me for the next phrase I made sure not to break eye contact with my girl.
'I promise to love you, trust you and to cherish you...I will love you when we are apart as well as when we are together no matter what life may hold for us...In sickness and in health, in good times and in bad times...I pledge myself to be faithful to you.' I said to her.
'Derrick, you may put the wedding ring on Angela's left hand, on her fourth finger.' He said.
Angela raised her left hand and I slowly put her wedding ring on her fourth finger.  I looked at her hand for a few seconds and damn did that look good.
As I looked at Angela, with her tears going down her face I put my hand on the side of her face and wiped her tears with my thumb.
'Angela, repeat after me...' The Judge started.
'I, Angela Webb, take you Derrick Gibson to be my husband...I promise to love you, trust you and to cherish you...I will love you when we are apart as well as when we are together no matter what life may hold for us...In sickness and in health, in good times and in bad times...I pledge myself to be faithful to you.' She said, our eyes still glued on each other.
'Angela, you may put the wedding ring on Derrick's left hand, on his fourth finger.' He said.
I raise my left hand, just like Angela had and she put my wedding ring on my fourth finger.
'It will take faith, to be willing to go forward to tomorrow, never really knowing what tomorrow will bring.  In addition, it will take commitment, to hold true to the journey, you both now pledge to share together.  Derrick and Angela, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, I declare you Husband and Wife.  Congratulation, you may kiss your bride.' Judge Mitt said.
We both had big grins on our face and I took the one small step that was keeping me away from my wife, put my arms around her, on her lower back and brought her closer to me by pushing on her back.
The second our lips made contact I heard our little wedding party cheer which made us both smile.  Our lips moving together but not for too long, the last thing we both wanted was to have a make out session in front of her parents, my brother but most of all Amanda.
She broke the kiss and looked at me.  'Wow.  We're finally married.' She whispered to me.
I smirked, 'Hell yeah Mrs. Gibson.' I said to her, making her laugh.
'That sounds good.' She said and I nodded in agreement.
We turned and looked at our family.  Amanda came running to us, wanting to be the first and I picked her up.  I knew I'd have to stop eventually, she was getting to big and she kept telling me only babies were carried, not big girls.
'You are the prettiest girl in the room.  Everyone will agree with that.' I told her and she gave me a hug. 
We walked out of the room and went back into the hall.  Others were waiting to see Judge Mitt to get married.  Angela's hand was on my back, confirming that she was still with me while my hands were holding Amanda.
Angela came closer and kissed Amanda but she wiped it off and Angela stood in shock making me chuckle.
I put our daughter down and we went to see my brother and her grand-parents.
'You, mon amour, are the hottest wife I have ever seen.  Everyone will agree to that.' I whispered her, making sure only she would hear.
She smiled and gave me a quick kiss.
'Welcome to the family!' Barb said and giving me a huge hug. 
'Thank you.  I couldn't ask for better in-laws.'  I told them.
Dave shook my hand, 'Congratulation son.'
'Thank you.' I said.
I turned to see my brother when I heard him say, 'Now that you're married, you're stuck with us...until death do us part.' He said, nodding his head.
'I didn't marry you Justin.' Angela answered.
'I know, but you married into the family.  Now, you'll always have me around.  I knew you liked me, but now...I’ll never let you go.' He said to her while he smiled.
When she didn't answer, I realized she was stuck so I came closer to her and answered for her.
'We'll always have you around until we tell you to leave and go home.' I said.
He laughed looking at us.
'I'm glad you’re finally my sister-in-law.  It was a long time coming.' He said looking at my wife.
'You can say really weird and creepy things and nice.  It's good to know that now it will be my duty to put you in place when it's needed.' She said making me laugh.
Justin took a step back holding his upper arms, fully knowing what she meant.
 A few minutes later we made our way out of City Hall and got in our cars.  My two girls, Justin and myself made our way to a fancy restaurant Angela and I had tried a couple of times when Amanda was able to stay a couple hours either with my brother or my new in-laws, and Dave and Barb were following us in their car.
It was a great night, it was better than we could have hoped.  We had the people we loved the most with us which made it more special.  We laughed, told stories about the past, Dave and Justin both made little speeches.  When we were ready to leave, we both said good night to Amanda who was having a sleep over at her grand-parents.  She was excited, Barb had been telling her that she went out and got new toys and movies for her that they could watch.
I was so happy that Amanda was able to have sleepovers.  She slept over Angela's parents’ house a few times.  Sometimes it was a success and other time we had to go pick her up in the middle of the night but that was never a problem.  We told her whenever she wanted to come home, to call and we'd go get her.  It wasn't a big deal.
Tonight was going to be a success because Barb had told me all the toys she bought and the movies and I knew Amanda wouldn't want to leave.  Also, it was only for one night.  Angela and I wanted one night to do as we pleased also where we pleased.  After that, we wanted Amanda to come back home, unless she wanted to stay longer or go to my brother's. 
We said good night to everyone, making sure to hug and kiss Amanda good night and tell her we love her and then made our way to the car.  Dave and Barb were nice enough to bring my brother home instead of making him bus.
The drive back to the apartment was a bit silence but full of excitement.  I could feel my wife's eyes on me, pretty sure picturing what she wanted to do first while I was driving with a smirk on my face, already knowing what I wanted to do to her.
We finally got to our place and parked the truck, she grabbed my hand and made me follow her.  I wanted to laugh thinking she didn't need to make me follow her, I would always follow her.
Getting to our front door, I unlocked and opened it, pushing the door so it would open completely and picked up my wife who made a sound of surprised.
She put her arms around the back of my neck to make sure she wouldn't fall and I stepped over the threshold bringing us into our apartment.
'I do love my husband.' She whispered making me smile.
'As I love my wife, mon amour.' I whispered back.
I gently put her feet down on the floor.  She unhooked her arms from my neck and I closed and locked the door.  I made my way back to my new wife and put my arms around her.  I brought her closer to me and she kissed me.
Our kiss wasn't urgent like most time.  Tonight we had all the time in the world. Since we were alone, I wanted to take my time and enjoy every second.  When our tongues touched and our breathing started to be more out of control, I brought her ever closer to me.  I didn't want space between us, not even for a second until Angela pulled away to catch her breath.
We both smiled, I could tell she was nervous, I was too.  I felt like we were teenagers about to make love for the first time.
Her eyes kept moving, looking down on the floor. 
I smiled and whispered, 'Do you have something to tell me?'
Her eyes went big and looked directly at mine.
'Um...why do you ask?' She asked.
I smiled.  'Because I think you have something to tell me.' I whispered.
She searched my eyes while my smile never faded from my lips.
'You know?' She said, making me laugh.
'How could I not.  You might get your time of the month to remind yourself but baby, I got your clock engraved in my brain.'  I whispered.
Her eyes were big, I had surprised her which made me smile even more.
'That's kind of gross.' She said.
I laughed, 'But it can be handy.'
'You’re happy?' She asked, unsure.
I still had a big grin on my face, 'How could I not be?  My wife is having my baby.' I said, still keeping my voice low, even thought we were alone.
'For how long have you known?' She asked me, now being curious.
'Over two weeks.  You?' I asked.
'Over three weeks.  I did a test and it was positive.' She said, smiling a little.
'We're having a baby?' I asked, needing confirmation.
'I think so...we just need a doctor to be completely sure.' She said.
'We're calling first thing in the morning.' I said nodding my head and she giggled.  For right now, I had other plans.
I picked my wife back up while she secured herself wrapping her arms on the back of my neck.
'I wouldn't drop you.' I whispered.
'I know.' She whispered back.
I kissed her while her arms tighten around the back of my neck.  I started walking towards our bedroom.  We pulled away so I could see where I was walking without tripping and falling.  I never wanted to hurt Angela and I never wanted to endanger our unborn child.
Even if it was just a possibility that she was pregnant, having another child with the love of my life meant everything to me.  I'd always protect my wife and our children with my life.  I just wanted them to be happy, healthy and to know that they are loved.
'Je t'aime mon amour.' I whispered to her.
'I love you too.' She whispered back.
We walked into our bedroom and I closed the door quietly with my foot, out of habit, while Angela giggled.
I knew I would never get tired of hearing that laugh, the way her eyes looked at me or the affect she had over me. 
We were given a second chance with our love and I was going to treasure every second of it.

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**This was the last chapter!  Next up is the Epilogue!! Give me a few days and it will be posted. xx

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