Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Derrick’s POV

I was sitting at the kitchen table, already in my uniform for work, half asleep, waiting for the coffee to finish so I could grab a cup. 

I loved this time of day, even a little after 6 in the morning, half asleep I still appreciated it.  It was so quite and peaceful.

It wasn’t a plan but a year after hearing no news about Angela I decided to move into the home we were suppose to move into together.  At first it was harder than I thought it would be but then it got easier.

I thought about moving when I met Carly.  When she wanted us to live together I suggested moving somewhere else but she loved the house so we stayed.  I thought about it everyday since I proposed to her but again she had a good point, everything was already in place, it would be such a hassle to move and we loved it here.  I knew she was right but it was strange living here with someone other than Angela.

I heard the beep of the coffee machine, letting me know it was ready and I grabbed a cup.  I sat back down at the kitchen table, starting to drink it slowly when the phone rang.

I stood up fast to get the phone, I didn’t want it to wake up Carly.  As much as I loved her, she definitely wasn’t a morning person. 

‘Hello?’ I answered.

‘Hi Derrick.’

‘Who is this?’ I asked not sure who it was.  The voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it.

‘It’s Dave…Angela’s Dad.’ He said.

‘Oh wow, hi…how are you Dave?’ I asked him, wondering why the hell did he call, and why so early.

‘I’m alright, you?’ he asked.

‘I’m good.  Is Barb ok?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, she’s alright.  It’s Angela.’ He said.

‘What do you mean, it’s Angela?’ I asked, getting more confused as our conversation went on.

‘We got a call from the police station telling us to come to the hospital.’ He said.

‘What?!’ I practically yelled into the phone.

‘She never left Derrick, well…not willingly.  She was missing.’ Dave said.

‘What do you mean, missing?’ I asked him.

‘Exactly that.’

‘You mean this whole time?’ I asked.  All this time I wanted answers and at this moment I just had a million more.

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