|21| Hide and Seek.

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All the thinking will be in Italic font.
The chapter is not edited,
If you see any blunders please point them out.

“She has been through hell,
  So believe me,
  When I say,
  Fear her when she looks into fire,
  And smiles.”- unknown.

Third-person POV;)

You don't choose them,
You just connect with them.,
Even when you don't share a blood relation,
You feel what they feel.
You cry with them And laugh without thinking about how you look.
They make you feel better at your worst and they stand with you. No matter the circumstance.

That is what friends are right?
And that is what Fayth has thought when she accepted Marley's friendship.

But the reality was something fayth had not expected.
At least not from her sweet friend Marley.

"What happened?"

"N to fûcking G! Nothing!"


"Don't swear!" Marley exclaimed. "And I'm asking this for last time fayth, What! happened! that! NIGHT!?"

"Marley" fayth started calmly. "nothing important happened."

If 'You have chosen death' has any look, it would look flawlessly identical to Marley's expression as she looked at fayth.

Fayth had no idea when she entered her dorm today's evening, that Marley would ask anything about that night.

It's been 3 days since that night.
Yes, Fayth was avoiding Marley specially to avoid this talk. But today luck was not in her favour.
And Fayth was not expecting to see this side of her dear friend.

Now, Fayth was stuck with Marley on top of her.
Literally on top of her. On her bed.
Locking Fayth's hands and legs with her own.

Marley narrows her eyes and looked down at Fayth.

"So you're saying me that, I had five missed calls from Aiden! Can you believe it, the guy who hates calling, he would not call anyone at all! He hates it! He had called me! And when I called him back, to ask him what the hell happened? do you know what he said Or rather demanded? he asks me about You!"

Marley took a deep breath.

"And on top of that when I come back that night, sick worried about you. Only to find my brother, Nolan. Outside our dorm doing a parade And you know what! what pissed me off is that No one is telling me what in the name of pumpkin happened that night!?"
Marley ended her little rant and breathed out.

Fayth looked up toward Marley hesitantly,

"Yea Fayth." Marley whispered hopefully.
Thinking she would eventually get some answers.

But of course, fayth did not get the hint and let out the important matter at hand, which was-
"Your hairs are poking my eyes and they are going into my mou-"

Marley's face looked like it was ready to explode.

"Okay! God damn it! Stop screaming. I'm telling you! But first, get off from me!"

"Okay!" And her tone similar to the puppy who just got his favourite meal. Marley knew she has to play smart to open up fayth Or she would never get to know about what happened that night.
That's when Marley come up with this strategy for fayth.
So now, when her face was hidden from fayth, her expression quickly fell into a perfect smirk.

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