Big Shocks and Cock Blocks

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"Mom?" Lucas asked, shock evident on his face. Her arm's were outstretched and he gave her an awkward hug. Lucas was a hugger, at least he liked to hug Vincent, but his mother certainly was not. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I keep hearing from all my friends that you've been doing very well with this soccer... thing." His mother paused with a frown. "So I figured I'd better come out and visit. That's not a problem, is it?"

"No.. of course not." Lucas looked to Vincent helplessly. "I just.. how long are you staying?"

"Well I figure I ought to stay for the championship." She shrugged, her tight shoulder-padded suit rising with her. "Especially if you're going to play in it."

"Yes.. you ought to." Lucas repeated. "What hotel are you staying at?"

"Well, hotels are just so uncomfortable for me, you know, and seeing as I pay the rent here, I figured I'd just stay with you." His mother explained.

"Oh of course. Obviously." Lucas sputtered. He had no idea how his mother liked things, but was sure she liked things different than he had them.

"Vincent?" His mother asked, finally taking notice of the other boy in the room. "I hadn't realized you were attending this college."

"Oh.. yes." Vincent stuttered, his face a mess of red embarrassment. "I... I do... I mean I am."

"Goodness, are you sick? You look flush."

"No- I..."

"Good, because I can not afford to get sick. Election season is next fall, and I can't lose even a second. Be a dear and run my bags to bedroom when the bellboy brings them up, will you?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Vincent nodded sadly. Lucas wanted to run up and hug the boy. He wanted to scream at his mother, but he said nothing.

"Well." His mother stated as if she was expecting something.

"Well?" Lucas asked.

"Well I'm exhausted from travel, aren't you going to show me to my room? Where are your manners?" His mom complained.

"Sorry, mom." Lucas adjusted. "Do you want to..."

"Yes." Lucas' mother brushed passed him down the hallway.

"Mom, that's.. that's my bedroom." Lucas asked, brow furrowing in confusion as his mother entered his bedroom.

"It's the only one with a king size bed." His mother shrugged. "You wouldn't force your mother into the worse bedroom, would you? Honestly Lucas, I'm shocked at you. A few years of college and all of a sudden you've lost all sense of decorum."

"No, Mother." Lucas sighed. "Of course you can have the room. I'm sorry."

"Thank you. Now leave me." His mother rolled her eyes. "And tell Vincent to hurry up with my things. I need to change."

Lucas exited his bedroom, his face deflated with confusion and annoyance at the situation. This hadn't been the plan. It didn't make sense, and he was utterly unprepared.

"Are you alright?" Vincent wrapped his arms around Lucas, coming up from the side.

"No." Lucas admitted. "I don't know... I don't know how we hide this from my mom."

"Oh." Vincent's face fell.


"It's nothing.. I just thought we were done with the hiding and everything." Vincent frowned.

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