Rough Tides and Car Rides

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"Are you alright? You seem quiet." Lucas asked. The boys were in Lucas' car, piled with his necessary soccer items making the approximately two hour drive south to one of the other colleges that Lucas would have to play in his championship games.

"I'm fine." Vincent agreed, eyes moving off the street over to Lucas. The boy had his eyes trained to the road, but his face betrayed something of concern.

"You're sure? You're not stressed about finals?" Lucas asked, as usual being able to see through Vincent and know exactly what was wrong. "We'll have plenty of time to study when we get back."

"I know... You'll probably be hungry, so we should eat while we're out there."

"We'll be quick." Lucas assured. "I promise."

"I'm not worried about the time..." Vincent trailed off.

"Then what is it?"

"It's nothing." Vincent lied.

"Vinny?" Lucas pleaded. "Just tell me, so I can worry about what it actually is instead of worrying about what it could be."

"It's nothing!"

"Is it me? Are you unhappy with how things are going?" Lucas' eyes turned to Vincent.

"No! It's not that at all, I promise. It's not you, please... it's just I was talking to Hailey a few days ago... and I feel bad."

"About what?"

"Not being honest with her." Vincent stated quietly. "I don't mean.. I don't want to make you feel guilty. I respect your decision and if you want to wait, then we will, and that's completely fine. I don't want you to think I'm rushing you... I just.. It's hard for me."

"Then we'll tell her."

"No! Lucas that's not what I want.. I want you to feel ready and I... I didn't.. that's the exact opposite of what I wanted when I told you.. I can deal with it, it's fine. I don't care, I'll get over it."

"I don't want you to be upset because of me. I don't want you lying to your friend because of me. I want to be the reason you're happy, the reason you smile, and if something I'm doing makes you unhappy, then I don't want to do." Lucas explained.

"No Lucas. I am not going to force you into this." Vincent ran his hand through his hair, his stress levels mounting. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"I'm always going to be uncomfortable. This isn't an easy conversation to have, and it's just going to get harder the longer we wait to have it. I might not want to go through with it, but if it makes you happy then it's worth it. Anything would be worth it if it made you happy."

"You really don't have to Lucas.. I'm sorry.. I wasn't fishing for you to say that, but really, you should move at your own pace."

"I'm positive." Lucas chuckled. "Besides, she's your best friend, after me, and we already accidentally told my former best friend, after you, so it only seems fair."

"We didn't tell Marty." Vincent grimaced. "But, thank you."

"Do you want me there when you tell her, or you want to do it on your own?"

"You can be there." Vincent smiled. "I think it'd be good if you were there, that way she can't be as mad at me for not telling her right away."

"Well, if that's the case, I'll happily accept all of the blame."

"I.. that's not what I meant." Vincent shook his head.

"Sure." Lucas teased and Vincent sighed rolling his eyes and allowed his head to fall back onto the seat. Just the knowledge that he could stop lying to one of the people he cared most about was enough to make him feel better.

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