45 | lights down low

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Staring at the unusually large crowd of people gathered outside The Bunker waiting to get in, I feel my fatigue set in and contemplate going back to my dorm. When I told Levi I was driving back to campus early, he somehow convinced me to join him here for New Year's Eve.

Even though I didn't tell him exactly why I'd left early, he promised that tonight would be the perfect way to get my mind off whatever was bugging me. He failed to mention that The Bunker hosted a big event—a very popular one, from the looks of the crowd—to celebrate the occasion. There's a sign outside that says the cover has been raised to twenty dollars instead of ten. I groan inwardly and get in line.

After waiting in the insanely long line, I hold out my money to the security guard by the door. The man takes an unusually long look at my face then takes out a crumpled piece of paper. "Are you" —he reads something on the paper— "Carmine?"

A fucking shade of red. "That's me," I concede, holding my money closer to him. I just want to get inside.

He shakes his head. "Some guy in the band told me to let you through. No cover," he explains. Slowly, I put my money back into my pocket. I thank him and slip inside.

The crowd inside looks even bigger than it did on Halloween. I snake my way through the gyrating bodies with my eyes locked on the stage. Levi looks like he isn't even paying attention as he plays his guitar. He notices me almost right after I look up at him.

I smile at him then hold up his leather jacket. He notices what I'm holding and laughs, shaking his head to himself. Then he jerks his head back slightly, daring me to come closer to the stage.

I walk up closer, a few feet from the stage, and raise my eyebrow at him. He shakes his head slowly, wanting me to get closer. Starting to feel a bit nervous, I get even closer. The music is blaring loud in my ears, and I'm so close that I have to crane my neck to look up at Levi on stage.

Just when I'm about back away, feeling weird about getting this close, Levi jumps down from the stage, still playing the guitar. Then he's right in front of me, his face inches from mine.

I don't have time to react before he leans in.

The kiss feels wild and exhilarating, Levi's lips dominating my own. Then I hear the music lose some of its depth, then Levi's arms are around me, his hands moving against my lower back and pressing me against him. I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer. His lips taste slightly of Vodka, and that somehow turns me on even more.

He leans his body forward so I'm curved against his body and his hands are the only things holding me up.

He breaks the kiss but doesn't pull away.

"That's one way to say hello," I say, smiling against his lips.

"That was more of an 'I missed you' kiss," he says. It's so loud that he has to press his lips right next to my ear for me to hear him. He presses another kiss to my lips. "There's your 'hello' kiss."

"Thank you," I laugh, feeling my tiredness wear off the slightest bit. Levi's hands rest on my lower back keeping me pressed against him.

"They can't take their eyes off you, you know," he says.

"Who?" I scrunch my eyebrows together.

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