01 | just the beginning

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"So," Dani starts, looking up.  She snaps her book shut with a satisfying thud and places it on the restaurant table. "I've been thinking about something."

With a sigh, I turn my head from the menu to look at her. Even Archer takes out his earbuds to listen to our 15-year-old sister.

"When are you not thinking?" Archer asks teasingly, leaning forward to look at Danielle. "A genuine question."

Dani doesn't even look at Archer before replying, "Literally anytime you're speaking. I swear that your voice kills brain cells. I'm surprised I'm not braindead after all the years of you flapping that huge mouth of yours."

Dad whistles lowly, taking a sip from his water glass. "I think she got you there, Arch. You do love the sound of your own voice."

"Wonder where he got that from," Mom adds, shooting Dad a playful look.

Archer ignores them and leans to get closer to Dani. Sitting between them in the restaurant booth, I'm squished in the middle  "What do you mean by 'flapping'? My lips don't flap. My lips are perfect, proportionally speaking. Scar, do my lips flap?"

I turn my head to look at his face. To my amusement, his grey eyes are riddled with actual concern over this topic. "Yeah, they kinda do," I lie, holding back a grin. "Like giant slugs."

Archer scowls. "You lying piece of sh--"

"Archer." Dad's voice booms from across the table, cutting him off. I stick my tongue out at my older brother, not caring how childish I look.

Archer leans back in his seat and drags his hand down his face. "Mom, do my lips flap?"

"No, honey, your lips don't flap," she replies to her oldest child who's currently acting like he's the youngest, telling him exactly what he wants to hear.

Archer flashes me and Dani a satisfied I-told-you-so look. I roll my eyes. "She has to say that. She's our mother," Dani points out.

"All three of you have perfect lips," Mom adds. "Ever since you were little babies. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your mother."

"I second that," Dad agrees. "You all got your mom's lips, so of course they're perfect."

Dani groans and Archer pretends to throw up as Mom leans over to kiss Dad's cheek. "Why do you guys always have to be so gross and sappy?" Dani complains, shielding her eyes from the small gesture of affection between our parents. "You guys might just give me a migraine."

Mom and Dad's expressions turn serious. "Dani, I don't like when you joke about that," Mom says.

I try to change the subject back. I shrug. "I think Mom and Dad's love is kinda cute."

Dani jabs me playfully in my arms. "Of course you do. They have a name for your kind, you know. A 'hopeless romantic'. Or 'ignorant fool' depending on who you ask."

I shake my head, snapping my head to look at her. Without thinking, I grab her book from the table, flipping it over to see the cover. "Lover Awakened by Jessica Ward? Dani, you're really one to talk," I laugh. Archer laughs with me, examining the cover photo of a man kissing the shoulder of a woman.

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