Insert Evil Laugh

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"This is an absolutely horrible plan that not even Fred Jones would approve of." 

I rolled my eyes at Gray's dramatics as I looked up from my book.


Gray was staring disapprovingly at me like an adult correcting his child as he sat across the lunch table and taking a bite of his pizza.


"Okay, first off," Scar began from over the phone and I prepared myself for another fight between the two, ready to play the mediator.

'Here we go again...'

"Fred did some shit that was a thousand times stupider than what we're suggesting." Scar began snarkily. 

I bit back a laugh until I saw Gray roll his eyes at Scar. After seeing him, I shot him a dirty look in response that told him that if he spoke again, I'd cut his tongue out.

Just food for thought.

"And secondly," Scar continued, "comparing our situation to a cartoon TV show surrounding a group of grown-ass adults as they play a 'real-life' game of Clue, is moronic."

I let out a silent laugh as I watched Gray's eyes narrow in anger before he opened his mouth to speak. 

But Elle cut him off sooner than he could say, 'Fuck off.'

"She's right." Elle piped up as she leaned against a tree beside the table. The guys all shot her glares, but she simply shrugged. "What? It's true."

"I don't recall you being asked to be here." Ben gritted out from next to Gray and I kicked his leg under the table, mad at his rudeness. 

He let out a hiss of pain in response.

"Oi. Play nice." I ordered before taking a sip of my tea. I then sighed as I stood up. "And, it's a brilliant plan." I stated mater-of-factly.

Gray snorted at my words. "If you're on drugs, then yeah." He retorted and I slowly arched a brow as I tilted my head to the side, one second away from punching him in the throat.

'You son of a bi-'

"Then you should find it an amazing plan, Gray the Douche." Elle remarked innocently, still leaning haphazardly against the tree, and Scar busted out laughing over the phone.

"Oh my God, that was perfect." She wheezed, obviously enjoying herself. I allowed a small smile as I ate a bite of my sandwich.

'Me too, mate.'

Gray let out a low growl.

'He must have a marble in the back of his fucking throat or some shit.' 

"Get lost, discount Barbie." Gray gritted out angrily and I let out a loud snort. He threw me a glare like an child, but I ignored his immaturity.

Instead, I raised a brow at him, not actually believing that those words left his mouth. "Really?" I asked amusedly and he nodded shortly.

"Yes." was his stubborn reply. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, but chose to let him continue with his idiotic rant. "Anyway, why is she here? Shouldn't she have found another guy to fuck by now?" Gray continued grouchily and I saw Elle roll her eyes at him.

This time, I decided to intervene as I narrowed my eyes.

"Grayson," I began while using his full name, "we need Elle's help to make this plan work. We don't need yours." I told him with a chill in my tone. "Feel free to piss off since you apparently hate this plan so much." I finished sharply.

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