chapter one | penguins at the gas station

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alice slams the door of her bright yellow prosche and eagerly presses her prada heel on the gas pedal, causing snow to fly wildly behind them. daisy sits comfortably quiet in the passenger seat fiddling with her charm bracelet as she gazes out the window. these snowy mountains surrounding them always brings a sense of warmth to her. they bring back such happy memories, far too many to be ignored. towering trees as tall as the statue of liberty and taller litter the frosty fields. and oh! a deer! daisy leans closer to the window, mesmerized by its majestic skips and graceful disappearance into the vast abyss of trees.

she huffs softly missing it already. alice driving a hundred and ten miles an hour was so fun just a minute ago...

"you want to play some music, daisy?"

her head snaps to alice, all wandering thoughts washed away, "oh, yes!" she hums delightfully flipping through alices cd wallet. what to listen to... oh there are far too many choices! the fray? she shakes her head, perhaps too melancholy for the moment. evanescence? mayb- ah! "how about paramore?!" alice laughs, daisy is so predictably unpredictable, "sure, put on decode, it gives me the chills."

giggling, daisy nods and inserts the cd skipping to the song. how could anyone turn down paramore?!

alice watches daisy closely through the corner of her eye and smiles. the vision of bella throwing herself off the cliff is so vivid in her head that she's happy that daisy is keeping it light. like now, said flower has her fist clenched acting as a microphone singing along to the song as if she were hayley williams herself.

it brings her great joy seeing daisy so carefree and smiley. this whole ordeal with bella and edward has been the big fat elephant in the room and everyone's noticed a change. especially between daisy and edward. he's been ignoring her, giving her the cold shoulder, and borderline mean. his soul-sister. it's such an odd predicament that even alice didn't foresee.

however, it's not entirely surprising. between edward's cluelessness and irrationality with his feelings, bella's persistence, and daisy's burning hatred, it's not a wonder why edward snapped and ran. but leaving the family so suddenly without a word, leaving only worry in his absence, alice knew it stung daisy. everyone senses the pain radiating from her, it's a foreign and uncomfortable feeling.

"how did we get here when i used to know you so well?" daisy sings in the background while alice grips the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning bright white. edward made it clear to stay away from bella, but how can she sit back and watch her friend kill herself just like that? why would bella do that? it is because of edward and the family leaving her? is it because of jacob? charlie?

she bites her lip glimpsing at the clock on the stereo and breathes a sigh of relief. there's still time. subtly, she steps harder on the gas.

"it might kill me, i want it to be true..."

her thoughts begin to spiral, how would edward react if bella did die? would he too kill himself? alice knows edward is in love with bella and she knows he simply can't live without her no matter how long he stubbornly protests. she glances over at daisy raving about paramore. how would daisy react to edward's death?

"wanna play i spy, alice?"

the mentally overwhelmed pixie chuckles softly, "sure, daisy. you first."

the girl lightens up like a bright christmas night, "i spy with my itty bitty eye... something white!"

alice pretends to think for a moment and cheekily asks, "is it the snow?"

daisy giggles leaning back into the seat, "i knew you'd say that! no, haha! it's a trick answer!"

alice hums tapping her loosened fingers on the steering wheel, "is it your dress?"

"psh." daisy crosses her little arms with a profound pout, "you and eddie are the same. always gettin' it right so quickly. bunch of gifted cheaters is what you are!"

forks is still a couple thousand miles away, but giggles and paramore echo along the empty icy highway. it's gonna be a long journey from alaska to the tiny town in washington, but what an entertaining expedition it will be.

alice drives up to the gas station pulling to a pump. "i'll be right back!" she chirps jumping out quickly. daisy nods and keeps her eyes on the window. thousands of shades and hues of white 'n grey colored clouds suffocate the canadian sky. the trees, some thick in evergreen others naked and boney.

truth be told, daisy misses fork dearly. out of all of the places carlisle has taken the coven, forks has felt more like home than any other. a smile ghosts her lips as she watches a grey-furred bunny hop around the trees near the road.

an incoming call breaks daisy out of her daze and leans down to pick up alice's phone. seeing the id she eagerly presses the green button, "rosie!"

"daisy? where are you?! no one can find you or alice anywhere!" rosalie's frantic tone fills the girl's ear. daisy didn't seem to notice it though and happily announces, "we're going to forks!"

rosalie scoffs confused, "forks?"

"mhmm." daisy hums watching the thermostat slowly drop in the porsche.

both lines were silent except for the soft rhythm of the radio playing, "why are you going to forks?"

daisy shrugs her shoulder looking back to the bunny- "oh! oh, no! no, no! ignore what i said about forks! we are definitely not going to forks! we... are going to uh- spoons? yeah, mhm. it's a new town in canada!"

she can almost hear rosalie nose flare from here, "is alice with you now?"

daisy stretches her arm, eyes wandering outside, "no, no. she's getting gas an- ah! oh my god! rosie!"

"what, daisy? what is it?!" rosalie asks frightened.

"there's a penguin on top of the gas sign! it's beautiful!"

alice climbs back in listening to the blondes, "daisy... penguins can't fly."

"nu-huh! then explain how there's a penguin a hundred feet high up on the sign!" the two other sister's giggle at daisy's outburst. "that's a hawk, daisy," alice says while snaking her hand to the phone.

"rose, we're fine. don't worry about anything, okay?"

daisy blocks her two coven sisters out of her mind and solely focuses on the small fluffy penguin-hawk in awe. she watches its head snaps down and quickly dives to the ground snatching the grey bunny. "ahh!" she squeals watching the penguin-hawk fly away.

"bella's dead?" she hears rosalie's surprisingly quiet tone.

daisy instinctively rolls her eyes hearing that dirty fiend's name and plays with the hems of her laced dress instead. she could only pray that rang true. her death has been far recited in the young cullen's mind (much to eddie's dismay).

"i'm just going to check in and see what's going on. i only saw her jumping off a cliff crying. i- i don't really know what's happening." alice trails off slowly.

rosalie, though another avid bella-anti, was silent- utterly speechless in fact. sure, she didn't care much for the human who was teeter tottering with her family's livelihood, but killing herself? that sounds a little extreme, for she took bella to be a little more put together than that. she didn't know how to respond, so alice did in her stead. "we're not too far. i'll keep you updated."

"bye, rosie!" daisy hollers.

alice snaps her phone shut and throws it in the cup holder. "you ready?" she smiles softly at daisy. daisy happily nods turning up muse on the radio.

unbeknownst to the cullen duo, edward was silently listening to everything they were saying. he came to visit daisy and apologize, but his mind is swallowed in his lover's appalling demise.

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edited april 26, 2024

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