chapter eight | where's the good in goodbye?

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as soon as edward cullen set foot in volterra, aro sensed an exciting shift in the air. his ancient bones tingled with anticipation of something thrilling coming their way. in such a dull and mundane century, a little rousing entertainment never harmed too many. when the somber boy came to him, pleading for death, aro was most certainly intrigued, especially by his unique gift. so precious, so powerful; it would be a shame to watch it burn in flames.

he was enthralled by carlisle's boy, but it was when he peaked into his memories and saw her, did a trigger ignite. a sweet and sunny little flower child running amuck in his depressing life. aro's beast roared in delight seeing her radiant smile and frilly antics. she is most certainly and undoubtedly his mate.

aro's fascination with edward cullen is undeniable. the young boy's thoughts are consumed by the desire for death, to be released from his century long-existence of misery. aro simply smiles and denies him of that release. instead, he extends an invitation for edward to join his coven, leaving behind the insufferable lifestyle of consuming animals and joining aro and his elite guard. edward declines his gracious offer and walks away defeated.

the boys value is immeasurable. he's too precious to die- he's far too useful and rare. it appears he's also held dearly to his daisy as well. he knew edward would decline his offers, a righteous little boy who dwells on his misfortune misgivings.

a powerful one. he's a dangerous one. an unpredictable one.

"demitri, keep a close eye on that one."

how troublesome it would be if the boy decided to do something stupid, leaving the volturi no choice but to grant him his wish. aro didn't want to confess to his innocent mate that he would be responsible for her brother's demise.

just one day later, on the morning of st. marcus day, aro's predictions came true. the boy had left en route to expose himself to the citizens of volterra. aro wasn't surprised by the cullen's outburst, but what did surprise him was the enigma herself, isabella swan, alive and standing in his throne room. and who else beside her than his precious flower, daisy, who's already making friends with his guard. what a lovely beginning. marcus had predicted that the three of them could possibly share a mate due to their tight bond and seeing their similar longing expressions befall to the carefree girl, aro grinned in confirmation.

as tiresome the sullen cullen and his shielded swan theatrics have proved to be, he's pleased with the outcome. without their unconditional and dramatic awkwardly love for one another, he along with his brother's would have had to wait who knows how long before they chanced a glance at their sweet flower.

the trio discuss their newfound understanding of daisy and the predicaments they have found themselves in. after her endearing introduction, despite her poor diet, the three men were thoroughly satisfied. they've waited plenty long for their desired mate to fall into their laps and here she is.

aro snickered to himself, the cullen children are a chaotic whirlwind damned to drama. carlisle, as unproblematic as he is, he certainly has a theatrical magnet revolving his coven. this revelation thrills him, knowing full and well this is not the last time he will be seeing edward, isabella, or any of the rest of those cursed cullen's. this century should be very interesting to say the least.

and now, with daisy trapped into their life for eternity, the mundane every day will no longer be so. how exceedingly bright and entertaining the future looks.

caius seemed rather annoyed with carlisle restricting their mate's nutrition. "i think we should pay him a grand visit. keeping our mate deprived and ill while harboring a human is more than enough reason to off his head."

𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐒 ; volturi kingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang