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the question jeongguk had asked should've been simple as it's meaning. it shouldn't be akward or something, it was simply. the situation was supposed to be simply. for taehyung everything was always so complicated.

and so their talk didn't get very well as they destroyed the comfortable moment they had awile ago

''what do you mean?'' taehyung asked, getting up from jeongguk and now facing him forward

''I just noticed that you always wear gloves..nothing much.'' the raven-haired noticed how the other immidetly shrugged. even he knew what the boy was hiding under the cloth, he was concerned why he had those scar-lines and if he would ever tell him

''just wearing them..can't I?'' he quicly changed his mood as it seemed his past was still running back to him, remembering the accident that was supposed to never happen ''why are you so curious?''

''tae, calm down. I was just asking-''

''some things are should not be in your buissnes, jeon.'' his tone sounded more..serious one, a deeper one. as his look was, he looked dead-serious for something is not supposed to be. just gloves, not a big deal

jeongguk chuckled a bit how the younger tried to be arrogant in front of him. he smirked under his laugh and raised an eyebrow, looking how taehyung was going further from him ''don't you think you should lower your tone? why you became all moody out of the nowhere?''

''I think you should go.'' he muttered, raising his leg to get on his horse.

''god moon sake are you serious?! why are you acting like this for some stupid gloves?!'' his tone was so strenly, at the same time so furious at the other's behaviour. not realising he was raising voice to him, above the fact he knew something must have happened for having the black scars.

''there's some thing your not supposed to know, jeongguk. and I am completely sure you have your own secrets.'' he glanced at the boy who was still trying to fight with him. they were really arguing for something so silly and stupid. and jeongguk was not happing but laughing how hilarious was the grey-eyed boy

''sure I have, maybe because I have more important things to do than you. excuse me that I am supposed to train for being a king, while you are just-'' he immidietly stopped as he heart what he just said. he really said in a meaning it was more important for him to be a king than to be with taehyung. even if he didn't mean it, wich was true, he hurt taehyung

''fine, go and be a king. as this is more important being here.'' he grunted and grabbed the reins to begin riding the horse

''taehyung-fvck..'' he cursed and immidietly went wild. what has just happened? he fought with his only close person, the person he felt comfortable with and wanted to spend time with. why he needed to even talk about it

he had a right to be mad...right? taehyung was keeping secrets, jeongguk wanted to help him. or maybe there were really some thing he was not supposed to know


they were really not meeting the following two days. not only because jeongguk was busy with royality responsiabilities, but taehyung was not in the mood to face him.

he had a serious talk with his father the next days' afternoon, right on the sunseting. the king has noticed that taehyung was acting different, somehow rude to everyone so he needed to know the reason. because he can not let his son to loose control again

''you called me?'' he entered the throne room, where he was forced to face the king, his father. this was definently not a way to greet him

''what has gotten you the past days, taehyung?'' it was obvious taehyung dropped the formals, the father did as well

''what you' mean?'' the bow furrowed eyebrows and looked at the sitting figure in front on him

''어제부터 화가났다는 게 분명 해요? 왜 그래?[it's obvious you are mad since yesterday? why so?]'' he used to talk on their traditional korean language, witch meant he was on a serious talk

''아버지, 이것이 제 개인적인 삶이라고 생각합니다. 이제 당신이 나를 허락한다면, 나는 휴가를 떠날 것입니다[father, I think this is my own personal life. Now if you let me, I will take my leave-]''

''김태형[Kim Taehyung]'' he approaced wich made the boy freeze on place ''I wouldn't call you here without a reason. stop acting childlish and work over your behaviour. this is not a way a prince should talk!'' he talked again on their usual launguage, darring to raise a voice to his son

''take of the gloves.'' he said, and it was definently not a question. taehyung was just frozen on place. why his father was doing it, knowing he doesn't want to talk about it



the boy had no chance but to take off the white cloth away. him by self haven't noticed that theese days, the spread got worse. the black lines, looking like veins, were spreading even more. soon his arms were going to be fully black

''taehyung...I think it would be the best if you stay indoors for a few days..'' he said, satting up from his glorious throne ''I am doing it for your own good son, remember it.'' he softly pecked taehyung's forhead, but he felt nothing. he felt as his father was fakely acting, fakely carring about him

''you are doing it because you are afraid of me, am I wrong?'' he raised his chin, again facing his aftehr straight. not being wake or acting like one. his stare was different, stronger

but his father said nothing, afraid he was true. after the accident, he knew taehyung was catable of killing people, freezing them to death. only even with a voice.

the truth was taehyung would never hurt someone, trurly it depended on his feelings. if anger and maddnes are raising in his body, the lines are spreading more on his hands. he was broken inside

instead, taehyung didn't need an anwer, he already got it with his father's silence. he wore again the long-sleeve gloves and took his leave.


i smell arguments~

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i smell arguments~

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