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we can all act childish sometimes, be clingy or be in our safe world. but the situation between the two friends was getting some kind of a serious.

taehyung was really ignoring everyone, including of course jeongguk. while the other male suddenly got all busy with his schedule. he tried at least twice in two days to find taehyung at the 'forest' still he didn't see him after their argument.

it seems like sometimes boys can be so complicated like girls. but in some situations, girls can make the things right. in a situation like jeongguk's.

''c'mon jeon, again!'' hwasa pointed her sword at jeongguk's chest, who put it away and stand up by himself. he was better resting than spilling all his anger on his cousin ''where is your head at, jungkook-sshi..~~'' she sighed and looked at the boy, now curious and caring at the mean time

''it doesn't matter Hwasa, let's get to the 5th round'' he clenched his jaw, looking away. standing in his best position to begin and tighted the grip of the sword

''you know when you anger is rising more this won't help you whatever is happening'' she said as the 5th round of their practice began right now

''oh ya don't speak as you know what it is...just a drama. nothing big..'' he smirked as he always made hwasa slip her sword.

''oh relationship drama I see, guess the boy is worth huh'' she gave a direct smirk back when she noticed her cousin got distracted at what she said, this was her chance to make him fall on the ground ''huh, too quick'' he giggled and laid next to the fallen boy on the ground.

''how did you knew it was a boy'' he sighed, looking at the glorious formed ceiling above them

''im the bigger cousin, I guess I have more experience than you. and after all I cant notice you to be interested in girls these days anyway''

he sighed in desperate ''yah..yah I think it a boy..'' in wich hwasa immediately started jumping around

''my cousin has a crush~my cousin has a-'' she needed to be stoped before to be too late, so jungkook pressed his hand over her mouth ''shut the frick out, you want anyone to know?!''

''yah yah right, soo what's his name~'' she teasily said, trailing her fingers over jeongguk's shoulder (A.N. : no that's not a flirt, it's a tease)

''I-uhm..'' it was hard for him to find words in this moment ''ya' know..um..it's the prince of the north kingdom-''

''prince Kim Taehyung!?'' she asked in suprise, that sounded more like a whisper because the two kingdoms didn't really like each other ''the son of Kim Taejwon?''she asked again

''right him...'' ''look..it's really new for me..a boy. how am I supposed to like a boy when its forbidden to like the same gender..'' he muttered more like a pout and laid again hopeless

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