Chapter 4

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Law opens the door to his house and is instantly met with the smell of food. His stomach suddenly grumbles. He hasn't ate since lunch so he's quite hungry.

"Law! Come in, i'm making a little snack!" Corazon yells from the kitchen. Law puts his backpack by the door and takes off his shoes, and then walks to the kitchen.

Law makes a reminder in his head to tell his dad later not to talk to him like a little kid. Corazon has the tendency to treat him like he did when he was younger, and Law let the child talking slide for too long. Plus, it's embarrassing when his friends come over and he speaks like that.

He sees Corazon wearing a silly purple apron with hearts on it. Corazon is smiling at him and gestures to the kitchen table. "Sit down!"

Law sits at the table. "You got off work early or something?" Law asks his dad, wondering why he is home right now. He usually gets home super late.

"Officer Smoker took the shift for me. He said he was assigned to train a new officer, and needed the extra time." Corazon explains, setting a plate of fish sticks in front of Law.

"Ah I see. Thanks dad." Law says, popping a fish stick into his mouth. Corazon sits across from Law at the dinner table and stares at him.

Law looked up from his plate and notices the intense staring. "Yes?"

Corazon grins. "Well, how was school? Did you see your grandpa?"

Law rolls his eyes, thinking about his grandpas smirk. "Yeah, the old man scared my friends right when we walked into the school."

Corazon laughs and steals one of Laws fish sticks, which made Law give him a dirty look. "Sounds like him. Did you guys cause any trouble?"

"No, we didn't." Law mumbles.

"Set up any pranks yet?"

"No, dad."

Corazon raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"No- YES! Is this interrogation over?" Law questions, starting to feel annoyed.

"Yeah yeah, before you leave to your room and hibernate for the rest of the day, this came in the mail from your new school." Corazon hands his son a piece of paper, titling in big letters: HOMECOMING

Law crumbles it up and throws it in the trash. Corazon gasps and retrieves it. "What are you doing Law? You should go with your friends!"

Law lazily shakes his head. "School dances are a waste of energy."

Corazon laughs. "You are such a lame kid, your going to regret that you didn't go to any parties or dances when your older!"

"First of all, i'm not a kid, and second, I won't. Im not going." Law finalizes, eating his last fish stick and putting his plate in the sink.

"Thanks for the food. Oh, and Dad, you left the stove on." Law says before heading to his room.

"Oh shit!" Corazon curses and runs to the stove and turns it off, but was a little to late when the smoke detector went off, making Corazon groan.


The next morning, Law felt a little better about the upcoming school day. He went to bed a decent time last night, which was rare for him. He got up, and did his normal morning routine. He put on a loose black t-shirt, with a flannel over it, a pair of black sweats, and his white air forces.

He feels like he wears sweats everyday, but who can blame him? They are comfortable and presentable. Perfect for Law.

He heads downstairs and notices Corazon left the car keys for him. He must've got a ride to work.

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