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Wendy Rylie Addison


Nancy Jewel McDonie

Nancy Jewel McDonie

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Hi I'm Wendy Rylie Addison.
I have lived in this city for almost five years.  I moved because my parents are the type of parents who give affection in the form of money and they don't care about me or whatever I do.  So my aunt offered to take care of me.  She is very young but she treats me better than mom or dad.

The people where I live think I'm weird, how else can I be weird.  Can teleport from one place to another very quickly.  Or the fact that I seemed to have had a life in the past, I'm not sure but now I'm starting to dream of a girl named Nancy.  She is a happy girl and has people who love her very much.

Now I'm listening to rumors that Chief Swan's daughter is coming back.  I've met Chief Swan, he's a nice guy.

It never occurred to me that she and I would become really good friends instead.  She is a funny girl, weird sometimes cool and creepy when angry.

At the beginning of our meeting she started greeting me.  I have never been close friends with someone because they don't like the way I do things or my honesty is painful.

"Hi I'm Rexanne Swan, am I okay with sitting next to you?"  She asked her face looked friendly at that time.

"Hi I'm Wendy Addison. Of course I don't have one."  She smiled a little when I said it.

When the lecturer entered, both of us were silent and focused on paying attention to the explanation of time and several things in this online lecture.  After that Rexa talked to me if I wanted to be her friend.  I said yes of course why not?  There's nothing wrong with trying to be friends again.

Weeks after that meeting we became very close friends.  I'm saying that I don't really have real friends.  Rexa looked at me in a strange way when I said it.

"I don't have either, but I used to have, and now I have you," she told me sincerely.

I didn't really understand it so I asked if hers friend left her.  She laughed then answered.

"They will never leave me but it looks like I left them," she said.

I saw her a little sad then smiled we continued the conversation about another topic.  She also makes me brownies she is a very good cook.

On the weekend we agreed to stay at hers house.  The first time I saw her room I was a little surprised it was too gloomy but she said like it.  After knowing her for a long time, she looks very mature.

She once told me about hers sister named Isabella or Bella.  It started to remind me of the story that I might have read that girl's name and her behavior was really similar.  I tell her she looks taken aback and says it's possible.

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