The Letters

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Dear Miss Dewitt Bukater,

It may be of some interest you that Mr C. Hockley has discovered not only your previous residence, but your current location as well. He is also aware of your alias and your continued relations with Mr Dawson. It has also been reported that their is an illegitimate child in your custody, all of which are of interest to him.

This request has been sent to you in the hope of retrieving a valuable item in your possession, once owned by Mr C. Hockley and bequeathed to you, Miss Dewitt Bukater, under a formal agreement of marriage.

Recent circumstances, involving your infidelity and presumed offspring of Mr Dawson and yourself, means a marriage contract is no longer required of you. Due to the breach of this contract, the valuable possession will be in need of return.

My client wishes to arrange a meeting as soon as possible, and in return we will not preceded with a lawsuit concerning thief and breach of contract. Furthermore, it is important that you note that private sale of concerned item will be tracked and lead to a conviction of the party selling it.

You are welcome to respond to this letter within the next fortnight in order to arrange the meeting, or else excessive steps will be taken towards your kin in order to obtain the Heart of the Ocean, which is the item in question.

With all due respect, Hockley Steel Legal Team

To my Rose,

You have betrayed my trust. Not only by deceiving me into believing you were dead, but in your actions to maintain possession of my diamond.

I ask only that you act reasonably and meet me at an agreed upon time at my Philadelphia estate within the agreed timeframe. Sweet-pea, it would be irresponsible towards your "family" if you were to try to maintain possession of the diamond.

I will be forced to proceed with a lawsuit if you do not return what is rightfully mine.

Sincerely, Caledon Hockley

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