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Nik POV:
This cannot be happening. We cannot be moving in with the De Lucas. I don't give a damn about the law, we're in the fricking mafia who cares about the law. Marissa is our family, she belongs at home with us in New York, not living in Italy with a bunch of people she doesn't even know.

Today we're officially moving in with the De Lucas, bedrooms were a issue all of us were arguing about who's room gets to be next to Issa. After nearly ripping each others heads off, our parents and Lorenzo came up with a sleeping arrangement. Everyone who already had a bedroom changed. We were now utilizing all rooms on the second floor, which was more like a hotel considering how many there were. They placed each of us in order of age, with De Luca's on the left and Ivanov's on the right.

Pavel's bedroom was on the end, across from Vincenzo's. Next on the left was Alfonso's, who was across from Adrian's room.

Yeah, that's not going to end well.

After that was Giovanni who was across the hall from me, but I was okay with it seeing as I was closet to Issa. Issa's room was across the hall from her 'twin' who to be completely honest I don't like very much. Mom and Dad slept in the Master guest bedroom on the third floor, which would be turned into a full floor master. Lorenzo had the whole fourth floor to himself. 

All our stuff was express shipped from New York to here, and I was currently in the process of unpacking everything.

I was on my eighth box when I picked up something that wasn't mine. It was Issa's stuffed elephant. She's had it for as long as I can remember, and she would probably be freaking out if she went through all the boxes and realized Ellie wasn't there.

There was this one time when we went to the park and she had left Ellie on the bench, god that day was horrible. So much screaming, dad genuinely sent out his track team to retrieve it.

I chuckled at the memory as I walked out of the door and to my dismay saw Alfonso leaving his room too. I rolled my eyes but before I could even get a step he saw the stuffed elephant.

"Where the hell did you get that?" He seethed.

This dude def has anger issues.

"Dude chill." I said shrugging it off then knocking on Issa's door, but he wouldn't let it go.

"I asked you where the hell did you get that!" He basically yelled so all the boys came out of their rooms and joined in a crowd.

Before he could say anything else, Issa opened the door and saw Ellie. She immediately grabbed her and held her close. "I thought they left her back home! Thanks Niki." She said using my nickname. I smirked knowing it's definitely going to make Alfonso upset that I have a nickname and he doesn't.

Instead of making a remark or angered expression, his face just softened? "You still have that?" Alfonso asked softly.

"Um, ya look I know I'm sixteen and it's a stuffed animal—" Issas mumbled but was cut off, I swear if they insult my baby again.

"—No it's not like that I just—" Alfonso paused and smiled. "Enzo gave you that when you were born. I'm just shocked you still have it."

"I've had it since forever I hate being without it for too long." Issa said timidly.

"It's true, I remember this one time she made mom turn back from the grocery store because she left Ellie at home." Pavel announced, chuckling at the fond memory.

"She did?" Vincenzo asked full of light.

"Yeah, Issa can be very bratty when she needs to be." I joked.

"I am not bratty!" Issa complained.

"I'm not bratty!" I mocked in a high pitched voice, causing her to stick her tongue out at me, which I did the same.

"Well anyway thanks Nik." Issa said before going back to her room. The rest of us just stood in a crowd next to the door for a second of awkwardness before dispersing.

Soon enough it was dinner time and we all filled down to the dining room. Earlier, the movers had switched out the table for a bigger one to fit all of us. Dad and Lorenzo sat at the heads of table and we filled in. As we did I sat next to Issa, but before Adrian had a chance to sit down next to her on the other side, Giovanni sat down.

I bit my lip trying not to make a scene, my parents told us we had to be nice, since we were here at their grace.

We ate in silence, with a few asks to pass food here and there, but it wasn't almost unbearable to I leaned into Issa's ear and whispered "Giant Shrimp" in here ear. I knew Issa can't help but laugh at something so random. I watched her like a hawk, she was trying her absolute hardest to keep herself from laughing, but alas, all it took was me sticking my tongue out for a second for her to loose it.

She immediately burst out laughing, taking the attention of the entire table. I chuckled in my seat as everyone stared.

She was hyperventilating from laughing, trying to say the word 'sorry'. The De Lucas looked confused, and slightly annoyed.

Huh. Maybe they don't speak at dinner. A bunch of weirdos I say.

Once her laughing fit was over she finally composed herself enough to say "Sorry."

"It's okay Principessa, but what happened?" Lorenzo asked.

"Oh, nothing, Nik just said something." All the De Luca brothers gave me a glare, which feels nice pissing them off. The sooner they learn that I'm not only Issas true brother, but also her favorite, the better.

After dinner we all went back upstairs to sleep, it was about 2am now and I was still awake. I couldn't sleep. I haven't been able to for a few days. Every time I close my eyes I just see Issa being taken away by Lorenzo. I know she's 'safe' with him, but just the thought of me not being able to save her keeps me up at night.

I decided to go into Issas room for a bit. To my complete surprise I saw Pavel, Vincenzo, Alfonso, Adrain, Giovanni, and Max all sitting on the couch or chairs in Issas room.

"Welcome to the party." Giovanni whispered to me, careful not to wake Issa up.

"What are you all doing in here?" I whispered back.

"Same thing you are." Vincenzo replied.

Well. I guess I couldn't judge them for that. I sat down next to Adrain on the couch and looked at my sleeping sister.

After a few moments of silence from all of us, Alfonso whispered quietly. "We missed so much." It finally hit me, how much they actually care about her. I thought about how I felt when I lost Issa for a hour, when she was taken from us. They felt that feeling for thirteen years.

"I can..." I paused for a second. "Tell you what she was like if you want." The De Luca brothers looked at me softly.

The rest of the night I told them stories about Issa when she was a kid. Just to be clear this doesn't mean I like them, I'm still going to show them every chance I get that she is my sister and I'm her favorite brother. But I guess if I'm stuck here with them maybe I can try to get along with them.


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