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(A/N: back to long chapters but this means it's probably going to be at minimum one a week, promise I won't leave you guys for a month like last time.)

Marissa POV:
After mom and dad left we drove off to school. Nik, Adrian, and I took one car, as Giovanni and Max took another.

When we pulled into the student parking lot all eyes were on us. I heard mumbles of "Who are the new kids?" "They're so hot." "Maybe even hotter than the De Lucas."

Gio and Max showed us to the front office. We got our schedules and since Max was in most of my classes he took me to them, leaving Adrain and Nik to fend for themselves. Not that it was a problem, there was seemingly hundreds of girls waiting to show them around. This wasn't new as my brothers were always considered 'popular' and 'hot.'

Max and I arrived at our first class; chemistry. The teacher had apparently given everyone assigned seating in order of last name, so I was separated from Max.

I was instructed to sit next to a tall blonde boy. When I sat down it was pretty obvious the boy was contemplating talking to me.

"Hey." The boy said, reaching his hand out to shake mine. "You're knew right? I'm Sebastian, but you can call me Bas."

I just responded by shaking his hand saying "Marrissa." I looked over to Max who's facial expression mirrored the one I first saw when I came to on the bed at De Lucas mansion. His face was visibly upset, a face I knew all to well from Nik whenever a boy at our old school would talk to me. I tried to just ignore him and listen to the rest of the lecture.

When class was over, Max practically dragged me out of the classroom and away from Bas. There was really no point arguing with him, all previous attempts to reason with my brothers had failed.

I kept going to classes with Max until I finally had one by myself.


They said Nik would have PE this period but I guess because he's a grade above me I'm in a different class. To my surprise Bas was in this class as well.

He walked over to me as we waited for the teacher to come out. "Hey Marissa." I just smiled back. "We didn't really get to talk much earlier but this teacher is always late."

We both chuckled a bit when a blonde girl jogged over towards us. "Looks like you made a friend." The girl smirked.

"Looks like I made a friend." He mocked the girl. The both just looked at each other and bickered for a moment.

"Anyway are you going to introduce me idiot." The girl spoke.

Bas sighed.

"Alexis, this is Marissa, Marissa this annoying buttface is my sister Alexis." Bas spoke.

"Hi." I said sweetly. "So you guys are twins?" I asked.

"No, my father married her mother but we are the same age." Bas explained.

"Anyway, I bet your tired of this loser, lets chill somewhere without boy stench." Alexis joked, as the teacher walked out causing us to start class.

Heading back to the girls locker room Alexis and I got to know more about each other. When she asked why I moved here I couldn't exactly tell her 'oh ya my family was kidnapped by the mafia and it so happened to be my birth family so now we're living together,' so I just went with "I have family here."

Now it was lunch and Alexis, Bas, and I walked to the cafeteria and sat down, then responded to a text from Nik asking if I found the cafeteria and had lunch money.

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