27 | Elvira

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"Well, I should just get it out the fridge now since there are only five minutes left," putting down my glass of juice, I walk towards my fridge before opening it and taking out the small cupcake I put in there earlier on

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"Well, I should just get it out the fridge now since there are only five minutes left," putting down my glass of juice, I walk towards my fridge before opening it and taking out the small cupcake I put in there earlier on.

Rummaging through the kitchen drawers, I try to find any candles I could use. Finding one random in a drawer, I stick in the cupcake before lighting it up.

"Happy birthday to me," I say and just as I am about blow, my phone pings making me frown.

Can't I just blow the damn thing? Huffing, I pick it up and see notification from Kade.


Rooftop? Am I supposed to go there? But for what?

Not finding a reasonable excuse, I blow on the cupcake before taking it with me and start eating it as I walk out with keys and phone in my hand.

Maybe he just wants to go and have drinks on the terrace. Hopefully he has gotten hold of Hazel or Arya but I know they told me they were busy and I didn't even see Hazel or Kade except Arya.

Might as well go to find out if he is there or not. I walk in the dimly lit hallway before waiting for the elevator to arrive. Taking another bite, I realise it tastes like vanilla which made me think of someone making me groan.

Can I just not think about him for one second? Why does this just have to remind of him? And that too, right now? But I didn't miss the way my heart sped up slightly only at the mental mention of him.

I have a ridiculous brain honestly.

After a short ride of the elevator, I walk out and find the metal door closed. Why is it closed? It's mostly open anyway. Shrugging that thought away, I push down the handle of the door and slowly open it.

"Hello? Kade?" I call out in the open dark space as so it's quiet that you can hear a pin drop, and the only thing you can hear is the distant voice of cars driving by. Nothing else.

"SURPRISE!!" I jump slightly when I hear all the voices and lights switch on illuminating the terrace.

I gasp out as my eyes scan on everything around me.

The whole terrace has been decorated with birthday things. Literally. There are white balloons on the floor and in the middle, there is a wooden garden pergola that has twinkling lights wrapped all around it. Just under it, there is a big blush pink carpet with wooden pallets on top which has a cloth on it with food. There are pillows around the space and few portable lamps around for more light.

And there stand the people that have made my life so much better. Some wearing a few party hats, some with balloons in their hands. They all have smiles on their faces as they watch mine light up. My heart swells with love for all of them.

Arya, Hazel, Kade, Nikolai are here. And the only ones I will ever need. Even Nikolai who barely ever manages to get time off.

"You guys," I say astonished with everything they have done. Since it is summer, we won't have to worry about everything getting blown off or messed up.

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