chapter three

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"thank you" you say to the bartender as he passes you your drink.

you and the officer - who you learned was named daniel - arrived at the bar a few minutes ago. he's seems like a nice guy and you are enjoying his company so far.

"so what made you want to become an fbi profiler?" he asks as he himself sips his drink.

ah, here we go. the question everyone asks.

"uhh honestly i've always wanted to help people. i-i think it's the travelling the whole of america part that stood out to me" you lie, not really telling the real reason you chose fbi.

"well from what i've seen so far, you seem like a pretty bad ass agent" he jokes with you.

"what about you? what made you become an officer?" you ask back.

he chuckles before responding, "i wanted to prove people wrong about me. show them i can be what i want to" he says.

"i've never had that answer before. i might have to steal it" you joke, receiving a laugh from daniel.

"so tell me a little about yourself y/n" daniel prods, keeping the conversation going.

"what do you wanna know?" you ask as you bring the cup up to your lips and take a sip, the sensation of rum flowing down your throat.

"surprise me" he answers.

"well i'm 28, an only child. i have a dog named ivy and... there's nothing else really. i'm a basic girl" you explain.

he seems intrigued to your every word, glancing at you as if you're the only girl who's ever walked this earth.

the night goes on and you get to know each other some more.

"excuse me" he says as his phone rings.

you nod, watching him walk away.

you're still frustrated with what spencer said earlier. was he not paying attention in hotchs office? if he keeps this up one of you will be removed from the team and you're not going to let him ruin your career at the fbi.

daniel comes back looking a bit out of it, "hey is everything okay?" you ask him.

"yeah just my sister said my daughter was a bit upset about something that happened at school" he tells you.

'he has a kid?' you think to yourself.

"d-do you have a wife?" you ask, suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable that a potential married man brought you to bar.

"no uh, she left me and my daughter a couple years back. it's just us" he explains.

you literally sight a breathe of relief.

"did you want to go to your da-" you begin but are cut off by your phone ringing.

you give an apologetic smile before answer, "this is agent y/l/n?" you answer.

it isn't long before you hear hotchs voice coming through from the other end.

"y/l/n, another body has been found. i sent the address to your phone, meet us there" he tells you before hanging up, and that's when you hear a beep from the text he just sent you.

"hey so another body has been found and i have to go, do you think you could drop me off at the scene and then you can go home to your daughter. i can cover for you" you tell him to which he agrees and begins driving you the crime scene which is a annual festival.

all of a sudden festivals don't bring you much joy...

"sorry i'm late" you quickly say to hotch before turning to the lead detective, "officer peterson had to go home to his daughter, i hope that's okay" you explain and he gives a quick nod before turning to look at the new victim who is displayed on a carousel.

"well he's certainly displaying the victims now" you think aloud.

you see spencer walk under the crime scene tape and you physically laugh at it.

"something wrong y/n?" he asks as he walks over, taking a pair of gloves from the medical examiner.

"no, no, i just like how you said i probably wouldn't be reachable incase something came up, but yet here i am, and here you are just arriving now. pretty ironic" you tell him.

"how do you know i wasn't busy doing something?" he asks back.

now you have the attention of basically every officer and examiner at the scene.

"please spencer reid if you're trying to hint that you were with a girl, we both know the only action your dick gets is your hand" you whisper the last part to him before walking past him, shoulder checking him on the way.


"seth rogers fbi!" you yell out as you kick in the back door, leading the way into the house.

you see seth - the unsub - trying to make a run for it out of the side and you internally groan and start to chase after him.

once you're only a few feet behind him you take a leap and jump on him, knocking him down to the ground.

you pull his hands behind his back and cuff him, "seth rogers you're under arrests, you have the right to remain silent...someone else can read you your rights" you pant out as you pull him up and head back to the house.

you hand seth over to one of the officers who take him
to a car and put him in the backseat. you crouch down and pant, trying to catch your breathe.

"maybe you should start working out y/l/n" morgan chuckles as he pays your back.

"eat a dick morgan" you retort back.

you walk out of the house, seeing daniel.

"hey! i thought you were with your daughter?" you ask him.

"i was, yeah. but i wanted to be here to see who our killer was. good take down by the way" he says, giving you a wide smile.

"thanks... listen i'm going to be going back to virginia in a few hours and i just wanted to get this out there, i had a great time tonight- or well yesterday? i really did, but i'm not looking for anything right now. you're a great guy and i just wanted to let you know incase you thought i was leading you on" you tell him.

"that's fine y/n, really. i was exactly looking for anything either, i need to focus on my daughter, be there for her more" he says, giving you a hug before you go into the suv.


"what the hell was that?" spencer yells out at you as you make your way to your car, having just gotten back to quantico.

"what was what reid?" you retort back, ignoring his efforts to catch up to you.

"back at the crime scene, that joke about the 'only  action i get been my hand'! do you know how embarrassing that was? you said that in front of everyone, they all heard it! what's your fucking problem?" he shouts at you, placing his hand over your car door so you can't open it.

"what's my problem? you reid! ever since i came here you've being a dick to me - before you even knew me! so i gave up on trying to be nice, get used to it, because until you grow up and stop being a fucking asshole, you're gonna be getting a taste of your own medicine" you say to him as you push his hand away and get in your car, driving away from him.

spencer groans as you drive away, pissed at himself for ruining yet another chance at talking to you.

the truth is, spencer's liked you ever since you came through those glass doors...

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