chapter nineteen

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"he's heading out back!" you hear derek shout, seeing a flash of what you're guessing is the suspect attempting to run. you quickly chase after him, seeing him faintly in the woods. you pick up your speed - thankful for doing track in high school - and it isn't long before you're gaining on him. there's enough distance now for you to jump and successfully tackle him.

"robert turner you're under arrest, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court- you get the rest" you finish off as you secure the cuffs around his wrists and start leading him back towards the house.

"y/l/n where are you?" you hear hotch over the coms.

"in the woods behind the house, i got turner" you stop and update hotch.

"good job, meet us out front. the local PD is here to take turner" he informs you.

"you got it," you say, starting to walk again, "let's go turner"

"be careful with him, he's a runner" you say as you hand turner over to the local PD sheriff.

you feel a hand clamp down on your shoulder, turning around to see derek with a large smile on his face.

"first case back and you're already putting us all to shame. who knew you could run like that?" he jokes as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you close, running his knuckles over your hair.

"i did track in high school. don't be silly, these," you pause as your flex your arms as much as you can, "can't compare to those" you say, pointing to dereks muscles.

"you realise you're embarrassing yourself in front of all these people, right?" he asks you.

you start walking off, turning around to flash him a playful smile.

"i'm sorry, i'm just in a silly goofy mood" you joke as you pick up your pace.

"hey! i was drunk and didn't mean to post that!" he exclaims as you walk away.

"so where exactly are we going?" you ask as you grasp his hand harder, pulling your body closer to his.

spencer called you nearly 2 hours ago telling you to get ready and then hung up. he picked you up half an hour ago, having walking to your apartment block. the night is chilly however spencer's body warmth is completing the job of warming you up.

"right... here" he says as you guys stop in front of a library with a small minimalist cafe on the second story.

it's cute, adorable actually. but it's closed...

"uh, spence- i-it's closed" you say, pointing to the pitch black inside.

he smiles before dropping your hand, pulling out his keys and sliding a dark green key in the lock, pushing the door open.

"you have keys to a library?" you ask, absolutely astounded.

"i've known the owner for quite a while, he gave me a key a few year back so i could come here after cases to destress" he explains, grabbing your hand again and leading you around the small but large library.

there's all kinds of books here, novels, textbooks, picture books.

"this place is gorgeous" you say breathily, taking in the whole interior of the place.

the aesthetic of it feels like something that would be in a castle, but yet it isn't, if that makes sense.

"like you" you hear spencer whisper under his breath, acting as if he didn't when you turn around to look at him.

"so i was thinking that we could hang out here for a while, browse the books, i-i could read to you and then we can head up stairs," he pauses as he points to the spiral staircase on the left side, "and eat the food i prepared for us" he suggests.

"you cooked us food?" you ask, a look of admiration present in your eyes.

"more like i ordered chinese food and put it on fancy plates" he admits.

you both share a laugh, but you immediately agree with the idea.

"follow me" he leads you behind him, leading you to a corner of the library where a comfy, plush looking sofa is placed, blankets and pillows stern on top. on the sofa you can see a book, a familiar front cover catching your eye.

"no way" you say before rushing over to the book, picking it up and gasping at it.

"i thought you'd like it if i read it for you"

"i would love it" you admit.

you both get comfortable on the sofa, spencer wrapping his arms around you, preparing to read your favourite book.


"thank you, this night had been absolutely amazing" you tell him, bringing your hand up to brush your thumb against his jaw.

"you are so very welcome" he returns the gesture, instead gently pulling your face close to his, locking your lips together.

it's hard to describe, but the way your lips lock together, they feel as though puzzle pieces finally piecing together.

they feel as though one if you is completely and utterly broken, while the other is the long awaited remedy, the solution to one another's trauma.

this has been long awaited
i'm very sad but also excited to say this is the end.
i was hoping to make a proper epilogue with a time jump and a glimpse into their future, but i've sadly lost motivation for this story. i did however enjoy writing it and sharing my ideas with you guys.

will i write another story? possibly, however i don't want to pressure myself with one shots, school work, personal life and a story. those people who manage all that and are writing multiple stories, i applause you immensely.

if i do write another story it'll most likely happen when i'm no longer writing shots and it may even not be related to spencer reid or criminal minds. of course my love for criminal minds and mgg is and always will be there but i'd like to experiment and write a different story with inspiration from books i've been reading in my spare time.

thank you for all the love on this story, until next time <3

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