Chapter 10 - In Which They See a Twinkling Starr

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There, in an elaborate costume of a brilliant fur cape, clasped about the neck with a heavy golden chain, and an equally brilliant suit of black and gold stood Jon Starr himself. His broad smile was as bright as his clothing, and Tracey found herself hardly able to see his face past all of the splendor.

 His broad smile was as bright as his clothing, and Tracey found herself hardly able to see his face past all of the splendor

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"Jon," Bentam said with a simple nod. Tracey looked about her to see everyone's reactions.

Bentam calmly gazed, seemingly unfazed by the celebrity before him.

Mittie, as expected, appeared to be positively captivated, her eyes as radiant as Jon's attire. "He's wearing the brooch!" she quietly squealed to Tracey.

Tracey glanced to see that Jon Star was indeed wearing the red brooch Mittie had talked about earlier. She turned her attention to the rest of the room.

Harriet's face beamed in wonder as she leaned forward from her chaise to take a better look at him.

Charlie, strangely quiet, stared blankly about the room, his eyes finally meeting Tracey's before looking back at Jon Starr.

Tracey herself could feel a similarly bewildered expression upon her own face, partially from the blindingly bright lights, and partially from the presence of such a well-known figure.

Jon strode into the room, his arms open in a welcoming gesture. "And you've brought guests as well!" he said, his smile somehow breaking wider yet. "Welcome, welcome!"

Tracey could now see his face, surprised that he looked so familiar. His golden hair was parted in the middle, the front's parting strangely resembling a mustache. His face did not sport any sort of facial hair, instead very smooth. His light blue eyes matched the surrounding walls, and they danced with warmth and laughter.

"You must pardon my attire," he explained, gesturing to his clothing. "Usually I'd sit guests down to tea, but you've just caught me before I was heading to rehearsals."

"Rehearsals? Is that for your play And Then the Summer's Eve Cried?" Mittie blurted, scooting forward in her chair.

"A woman of taste, I see," he laughed. "Yes, you are correct. Who are these friends of yours, Bentam?" Jon said, turning to him with a flourish. "It's lovely to be in such company as those who know stage plays."

"That is Mittie, next to her is Tracey, and these two children are Harriet and Charlie," Bentam said, pointing to each person in turn.

"Charmed, a pleasure to meet all of you, really," Jon said, flashing a warm smile to each person.

"Pleasure's all mine, Mr. Starr—," Mittie started.

"Oh, do please call me Jon! Mr. Starr is far too...stuffy for my tastes."

"Well!" Mittie said. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Jon!"

"Hm," Jon hummed in a pleased manner, with a small smile, closed eyes, and tilt of the head. "Now," he said, turning to Bentam, "how may I help you? I know you're a very busy man, and knowing that I'm a busy man myself, you must have had something of great urgency to tell me?"

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