Chapter 14 - In Which The Clock Counts Down

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"Welcome aboard!" Mittie gallantly said as everyone shuffled out of her shuttle. "Hope the ride wasn't too bumpy on the way up."

"B-bumpy? not at all," Tracey stammered, trying hard to not look over the edge of the walkway. Over the edge, to a view of Mondon and surrounding countryside. Over the edge where the nearest ground was hundreds, if not, thousands of feet below them. "It's not the ride that is the issue," she murmured.

"Gears, I thought we were gonna die!" Charlie exclaimed, finally catching his breath. "I don't like heights, you know!"

Harriet stood stiffly next to Charlie. "I don't either, Charlie," she said.

"Wonderful view," Bentam said in approval, as he leaned over the railing to get a better look.

"Right?" Mittie said enthusiastically, joining Bentam by the railing. "That's my favorite part of travelin' by steamship!"

Steamships were as natural to the public majority as steamcars were to the streets of Mondon. Accepted, but not by all. Surprisingly more affordable than a steamcar, steamships soon filled the skies of Mondon and the rest of the country. It was a normal occurrence for one to see steamships drifting lazily about in the air, narrowly missing collisions with other ships, and docking off at tall buildings known as vessel-pads (a highly profitable business that works similarity to inns). It was this sort of building that they had entered, and from the roof of which they had loaded into the vessel-pad shuttle to enter Mittie's steamship.

"Could we get inside the ship?" Tracey abruptly said. "To a room, preferably."

"I wasn't aware you were afraid of heights, Ms. Higgenbottom," Bentam said. Tracey caught a hint of a smirk on his face.

She frowned. "There are many things that you don't know about me, Mr. Berkley."

"Um...," Mittie interrupted, stepping between the two of them, "How about we go to my study. There's still a nice view, and it's safely indoors!"

As the group made their way to the interior, Tracey was able to relax and look closer at her surroundings. This was the first time Tracey had ever been on a steamship, as she was not the kind of person to travel. However, now here, she could feel the rush of curiosity and the pull of adventure. She couldn't help but wish that Mr. Porter were there with her, so they could sail away on an exciting journey somewhere. She sighed. Mittie glanced back and looked at Tracey. "Do you think we can open up that paper when we all settle in th' study? I'm really hopin' there's some direction to point to where your Mr. Porter may be."

"Of course," Tracey said. She looked to the paper which she held tightly in her hands. On the wax, she spotted a familiar symbol. On it was a gilded K, interlaced with a lock and a broken key. "Where have I seen this before...?"

"What?" Charlie said, falling back in stride with her. He leaned over to look at the wax. "Oh, that's the same thing that I'd seen on the book." He waved Mr. Porter's book and turned a small gear, revealing the same symbol. "It actually lines up to make a bigga' version of the design, so I thought I'd have to do that to unlock it. But nothing!"

"Maybe this paper will give more information," Tracey replied as she followed Charlie into the study.

Mittie's study was filled to the brim with books, some strewn about on her large oak desk, and others piled high on full shelves. It was all Tracey could do to not step on some sort of stray leaf of paper or forgotten pen on the floor. The largest wall was dominated by a massive window, stretching from ceiling to floor. Out of it could be seen a lovely view of Mondon, and surrounding skies. "Oh," Tracey said as she carefully perched on a chair farthest from the window, "your study is very...what's the word..."

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