She Has His - Chapter Nine

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My Italian boots clicked against the floor as I rubbed the crook of my nose, making my way over towards Stiles and Scott. Lydia, Malia, and Kira slowly appeared from behind the wall, as well, and I began to slow down, knowing something was up.

"So you're going to ask out a freshman?"

As soon as the words left Stiles's mouth, I literally turned around, and started to walk the opposite direction down the hallway. "Aye!" Stiles yelled, catching the strap of my book bag and pulling me back.

I groaned in annoyance, frustration, and desperation. I really just wanted to go home and sleep, considering I was about two nights sleep deprived. Lydia shook her head, "Nope, I'm done with teenage boys, but since he is a freshman... why don't we get a freshman to hot it up for him? Maybe one that he already likes so that there won't be a problem getting him to say yes?"

I shook my head, closing my eyes. "No, no way. No matter what it is, if it involves a guy it sounds like the worst plan right now."

Lydia shook her head, "We need you, Annie. We need you to invite Liam to the boathouse for a 'party' and that's all we need you to do. Just invite him to the 'party', and we'll all be there waiting for him."

I gulped hard. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing straight up, reassuring me that this plan sucked. "When even is this 'party'?"

"Tonight," Stiles nodded.

I sighed, pondering the thought carelessly in my head. This plan was stupid. What if he shifts in the car as we are driving out there and kills me? What if he decides to maul us all at the party? What if another person ends up dead?

"Annie," Lydia put her hand on my arm. "Annie, you are the only one who can do this, okay? Don't even worry about it, alright? You're a dime, a perfect ten, you're practically flawless... and Liam couldn't be more into you."

I shook my head, walking away from the group. I made my way over to freshman hallway, and when I looked back, everyone had followed me and were watching me like a hawk. Up ahead, Liam stood talking to Garrett, the douche that was actually decently attractive.

I whipped my hair behind my shoulders and bent down, pulling my boobs higher into my bra. My phone vibrated and it was Stiles.

STILES: What the hell do you think you're doing?

ME: Stiles, you guys sent me out here to ask a guy with raging hormones out to a party... Don't criticize my ways of getting the job done.

I looked down at my boobs that were pushed up to my freaking chin, and then began to walk down the hallway, reassessing my plan. I walked carefully towards Liam, and leaned on the locker next to his.

"Hey, Liam," I smiled.

Liam looked down at me, the first thing his eyes meeting were mine... surprisingly. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy. I stood up straight, suddenly losing my huge ego and feeling nervous, as if I was actually asking him out on a date. "Hey, Annie."

"So--um--would you maybe like to go to this party with me?"

Liam smiled, "Did Mason put you up to this?"

I scoffed, raising my eyebrows at him. What was it about this one boy that magically had me hooked? "Did you want Mason to put me up to this?"

Liam eased his eyes on me, as if wondering the question himself. "What time?"

"Huh?" I leaned forward.

"What time should I pick you up for the party?"

I smiled, "7:00, I'll text you my address."

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