Let Her Go - Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N - Just warning you, I had seven asthma attacks while writing this... Good luck.


My dad ran over to me, shaking his head, and placing his hand on my face. "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

I pushed his hand away, smiling, "Dad, I'm fine. They forced me to do this check up, I'm just a little shocked that's all."

My dad sighed, "Are you ready to go home?"

I sighed, "Yeah, I already gave my statement, so I think I'm good."

My dad nodded, taking my hand, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Dad," I placed my hand on top of his, "this might sound a lot more crazy than it actually is... but this isn't my first time killing someone. I've done it before, more times than I would like to admit, but I know how to handle this. I'm good."

My dad sadly smiled, helping me to my feet off of the gurney, and walking me over to my car. He kissed my forehead, "I'll meet you at home, okay?"

I nodded, and watched as he walked away as I got into my car and started her up. I drove down the country rode, and stopped when I remembered Liam, I told him that I would be there to pick him up. I quickly drove to the school, pulling up outside, and running to the site of the fire that still burned solemnly by itself. Mason sat at a bench only a few feet away, and I jogged over to him.

He raised an eyebrow at me as he took a swig of something in his bottle, "You're a little late."

I scoffed, sitting down, "I know."

Mason passed me the bottle and I gladly declined, alcohol wasn't my thing, especially the kind you'd get from school parties. "So," I trailed into a conversation, "where's Liam?"

"Who knows," Mason shook his head, "he just took off with Scott, like usual. First I get friended by you, and then replaced. Now, I'm getting friended by Liam, and replaced!"

"We're going to cut you off," I shook my head, taking the bottle from him, and throwing it at the nearby trash can. I cringed as the bottle missed the can and landed on the ground next it.

Mason squirmed, "I just want a boyfriend."

I scoffed, pulling him to his feet and dragging him to my car, "Trust me," I sighed, "so do I."

I shoved Mason into my passenger seat and walked around the car, getting in my side. Mason shook his head, "Annie, what are you talking about? You have Liam."

I sighed, "I'm actually not so sure that I do."

"Well, that's a false statement, because Liam absolutely adores you." I started the car. "You're the only thing that can make his heart beat so quickly, it seems unreal, and the thing that calms him down when he's nervous/mad/upset. You're his everything, Annie."

I pondered the thought a moment... Did he really care for me to that extent? I know I did for him, but I only dreamed the feelings to be mutual. I inhaled, "Liam and I had sex."

"WHAT!" he wasn't drunk anymore, that knocked him completely into a sober state. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to call you, but--" I stopped in the middle of my sentence, and turned around feeling my back pockets. My phone was missing. "Crap."

Mason raised his eyebrows, "What?"

I groaned, "My phone, I think I dropped it at Eichen House."

"Why were you at Eichen?" Mason asked weirdly.

I shrugged, "Never mind the why, we need to go back."

I put my car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot, heading down the road at the appropriate speed. Mason groaned, throwing his back into his seat as I rounded the corner.

I looked over at him, "I promise it won't take long, I just--"


The piercing scream of Mason quickly moved my eyes to the road, just in time to swerve away from a wolf... not a werewolf... but a wolf.

The car's tires squealed as I hit the breaks, but that didn't stop us from hitting the traffic barrier, and going free fall into the air as my car landed head first into the water. My head hurt from when I hit it on impact, and I reached up, feeling the trickle of blood as my car made a noise that sounded like metal being twisted. I looked over at Mason as water began to pool in through our windows, and every other open crevasse. It didn't help that we had our windows down. Mason had his head resting on the dash, and blood pooled into the water as the entire car went under. I pulled at my seatbelt, attempting to get free, but it was stuck, not budging to move. I looked around me, pulling and pushing at the seat belt, my head screaming for air. I looked over at Mason who laid lifeless in the grimy water, and I shook his body, getting no response.

Was this how I was going to die?

My lungs screamed for air, and my brain told me to let it in. I opened my mouth and felt as the water pooled to the back of my throat... and then splash came from the top of the water. I could hardly see out of my moon-roof, but a body swam towards us, and hands found their way to my door handle.

I blinked rapidly as I saw the face of my rescuer...

It was Isaac.

He reached into my seatbelt, and I grabbed his hand, shaking my head. I looked over at Mason, unconscious and still bleeding, and then back to Isaac, telling him to get Mason first. Isaac shook his head, pointing at me, and I mentally groaned. This was life and death circumstances and he was debating who to save first. I pointed back at Mason, and Isaac literally huffed underneath the water, swimming to the other side, and using his supernatural strength to pull Mason's seatbelt free. I watched as he pulled Mason's body from the car, and felt a relief pool off of me.

The relief was quickly replaced with a strong burning sensation in my head and pain in my heart. I shook my head, the will to breathe was becoming too intense. My lungs were yelling for air, pleading for it. I closed my eyes, and pictured Allison.

"It's okay, Annie. It's okay to let go."

So I did.

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